Triple Rec Channel Problems

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New member
Jan 18, 2010
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I purchased my triple rec about 4 years ago and have played a few gigs with it. During that time I noticed there would be an intermittent lower of the sound during play, so I replaced all the pre amp tubes and 6L6's to help fix the problem. I went with the standard 12AX7 pre amp tubes and changed to EL34's about a year ago and had no problems with it again other than the annoying channel pop when selecting from the clean channel to two or three (What is that anyway? Is there a problem? Surely it is not designed to pop like that?). Anyway my new problem is only one channel (channel 3) is not working hardly at all. There is no gain I have to crank it almost all the way to even hear clean guitar. I can turn the gain all the way up and no change.!!!! I figured it might have been a preamp tube so I bought one new one and began to go from V1 to V5 one at a time to see if it made any difference and got nowhere. I also pulled the EL34's out and put the old 6L6"s in just to see if there was any change in the symptoms and it turned out to be the exact same condition. I am running all out of ideas of trouble shooting, PLEASE HELP ANY SUGGESTIONS OR FEED BACK WOULD BE GREALTLY APPRECIATED, I am about to pull my hair out. Oh, and if anyone knows what would be causing the channel switching poping noise please let me know. THanks!
The popping is normal. It's the channel switching relay. Every 3 channel Recto does it.

As for channel 3, you should pay a visit to a tech. It's definitely not a tube problem, since channel 2 and 3 share the same gain stages. It could be anything from a channel switching relay not making complete contact, to a cold solder joint or a bad pot.