Tried out many MB amps

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May 8, 2007
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Yesterday, I had time to hit a local store, and audition many Boogie amps. They were: Roadster 2x12, Express 5:50, Express 5:25, and a LSS head through matching 1x12 cab.

Now I'll tell you that the little 1x10 5:25, was easily the best sounding to my ears --- whether it was with single coils, or humbuckers, that thing just sounded great. All four modes would be very useable to me. This amp just has a clean clarity and chime that I just couldn't get from the other amps --- maybe the 10" speaker had a lot to do with it? I don't know; all I know is that it sounded great!

I'm really giving some serious thought to buying one of these -- would be great for home use, and small gigs. If I need more volume, I figure I could always run it through an external cab or mic it through a PA.

We'll see...... :)
Brewski said:
When you pick one up, you'll have to do a review on it. They look like cool amps.

+1, been itching to play one and I'd love to hear some more comments on it.
The 5:25 is a sweet amp. It's on my short list for a second amp. I think it would compliment my Rectoverb nicely.

This board is a great place to get answers on all things Boogie. These guys are knowledgable and friendly. You can't go wrong with a Boogie! :D

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