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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Gresham Or.
I have a 2/100 right now I'm running a Digitech 2101 but I'm looking at getting the Triaxis, the one I'm looking at is the 1.0, what is the difference between the 1.0 and 2.0? I want that boogie low end crunch, I had a Roaster half stack but I sold it so I could run in stereo. I'm looking at 800 for the 1.0 Triaxis or I can buy a 2.0 for 1000. thank you for any feedback. I'm new, I hope this makes sence. Greg
My 2 cents....I have a 1994 TA with no mods and absolutely love it so maybe I'm biased. I have limited experience with the 2.0. The only 2.0 I played through was great but I think the choice sort of depends on the type of music you like to play. Also, knock on wood but I've never had any problem with my TA at all. I'd say that overall the 1.0 version is well suited for almost any style but shines with those classic boogie tones and really sings with the blues stuff. You know those single coil tones that are kind of airy and transparent. It seems to me that the 2.0 could really master metal. It would give you those real time pedal changes, an overall tighter bottom end with that punch, crunch and growl but MAYBE loses a little tone in the Mark IIc+ sound. Both are really great.
Triaxis 1 and 2 have the same sound(besides differents modes).
The only difference is 2 has midi cc.
Thats not true. The tx4 board is different between a v1 and v2 triaxis. Also the exact tx4 board used between a v1 triaxis thats been updated to v2 and a v2 triaxis is different. Those are big differences and cause the amps to sound different.
I sent an email to mesa asking about it and that was the answer.
Or that guy is brainless or you are wrong.
I don't know.
There is a third option. Your naive and believe what people tell you without thinking it through. Mesa boogie is in the business to to sell amps. Believe it or not, they want to sell new amps, because that money goes to them rather than someone selling an old amp and having the money go to someone else. So they tell you there is no difference between two models. If you were to call up and ask if the lead channels on the Three channel dual rectifiers sound the same as the two channels, they'll say "Yep sure nuff". This isn't true. There are very major changes between those amps. If you were to call pepsi and ask if cane sugar pepsi tastes the same as high fructose corn syrup pepsi, they'll say "Yep sure nuff". In both cases they just want to sell you new products and will lie to you to do it.

So, to summarize, the changes between those models of triaxis's matters, and do affect the sound. Just like changing the dual rectifiers from ldr's to relays changed their sound, and using corn syrup for pepsi changes pepsi's flavor.