Triaxis version and innards...

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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I just got a used Triaxis/2:90 combo and I love it. I had some questions though. When the Triaxis is turned on, 2.0 appears in all of the display windows, so I am assuming it is version 2. The serial number, though, looks like it is T07xx, which according to the FAQ, was a version 1 model. If that is the case, is it safe to assume that the software was upgraded to 2.0? Also, would that mean that it was also upgraded with the recto mod? How could I tell for sure regarding the version and mod?

Thanx - Pete
You can't upgrade to the Recto mod with software. It's a physical board inside the unit. If you have an early Tri you still have the same sounds, but you have the newer software which has better MIDI capability. You'll know if you have the Recto board - put it on LD1 Red and you'll know!
Opened her up and she has the Recto board so I guess a previous owner had the software and recto mod done. Thanx for the info.
lhrocker said:
looks like it is T07xx

With that serial it's supposed to be 1.0 with NO Recto board.

lhrocker said:
a previous owner had the software and recto mod done

I guess it's pretty expensive to have those mods done O__O, aside that where are you supposed to take the TX4 board without the resto of the Triaxis attached? At Mesa? (just asking, I'm really out of the "mods" thing).

Have fun and enjoy your new Mesa's :)
I don't think it's that expensive, you can get done at Mesa for a reasonable price. At least I'd like to think so :D

I think it would be really interesting to hear a clip comparison comparing "British Shred", "Recto non-fat" and "Recto-fat" tones.
Jackie said:
I think it would be really interesting to hear a clip comparison comparing "British Shred", "Recto non-fat" and "Recto-fat" tones.

That would be very cool and, much more, very usefull as guide to better understand the evolution of our beloved preamp... and I'm still not able to say what version is my LD1 R (but the only important thing is that I like that mode, whatever it is).
Well, I used to have all three versions, but I kept the first one, having the "british shred". The rest sounded weird. I'm using Triaxis only for cleans, crunch and solos, other higain sounds i'm taking from recto pre, which sounds much better (more modern?) to my ears and cuts through the band easier.
But LD1Red on this old Tri is something I couldn't dial on anything else except this. It is having strong lows, crisp highs and full mids. But just for lo-gain sounds. THe more gain you dial the more mud you get. But crunch from this mode kills!
I had a session with the band this morning and, moved by this thread about the LD1 R tone, I've used some "Recto" based sounds instead of the usual MK IIc+ and, gotta say it, I really loved it, very clean, powerfull low punch, warm hights and crisp musical mids, very cut-through (I had to turn the master down a bit with this tone 'cause I was really "eating" the other guitarist). It's a little bit less tight than the LD2 tones and I like it for that, I'm also switching more each session to MKI sound for soloing, gives me a more "guitar wood" feel than the MK IV tones I usually use for that. Just like Sotek said, if you crank gain or drive on the LD1 R it gets very muddy and unusable (at least for me) but for mid-gain sounds perfect (again, at least for me). Something I think I can say is that the LD1 R tone on my Triaxis doesn't really sound like a Dual Recto (at least the 3 ch version that's the only one I've played) but more like a "furry" MK IV (does it make sense?).
Could you share your low gain LD1 Red settings please? I've been fiddling with a LD1 Red crunch tone for a long time and I really can't find anything I like a lot.
Jackie said:
Could you share your low gain LD1 Red settings please? I've been fiddling with a LD1 Red crunch tone for a long time and I really can't find anything I like a lot.

Sure, next time I power up my rack I'll take a note of the parameters I tweak. I'm doing some preliminary recordings for some new songs with my band and I've used a Recto-based tone for some rithm parts in a song and it really shined for dirty-crunchiness near the IIc+. On the other hand if the usual Mark sounds of the Triaxis need to be played loud to sing this tone need to be played VERY LOUD! to sing, I think in the last session that tone compressend the air out of my lugs before my finger reached the master control to turn the volume down, then I convinced my bandmates that everything was under control and the bleeding from the ears was normal :D
Here you go. Sorry for taking so much time, got trapped in a lot of work:

Lead1 Red

Gain: 5.0
Treble: 5.0
Middle: 6.0/5.0
Bass: 7.0/6.0
Lead1 Drive: 5.0
Master: 4.5
Presence: 2.5

I'm still tweaking it a lot, sometimes I think I really nailed it and sometimes it feels 2" away.