Triaxis version 1....any good compared to later versions?

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Mar 15, 2008
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Hi guys...I`m about to pull the trigger on a used Triaxis version 1, that does not have the Midi Continuous Control....and my questions are as follows: What is a Midi Continuous Controler? And what does it do? are the newer versions of the Triaxis way better?

I am a real novice at this rack stuff so bare with to start somewhere, right? ;)
continuous control is where you can control any of the values of things like volume, gain, bass, treble, via an external source, such as a pedal, or another midi device.

if you like the tone, dont stress over it, i have been trying to find a reason to use the cc in my 2.0 but cant.

Thanx Dave! Nah...I haven`t tested it yet...anyone know if there is any tonal differences bettween the versions? One better than he other?
7 of the 8 channels are the same on every single triaxis made. The only things that changed were adding continuous control of the parameters and the tone of LD1 Red. Personally, unless the V1 you are able is like half the price of a V2 triaxis I would hold out and wait for a V2 (especially one with the Recto board). The V2 Triaxis will hold it's value a bit better and the recto version will give you a good tonal option that doesn't sound like the other Mark modes.

I have owned 5 Triaxis preamps and they were all V2 but one was an upgraded V1 from 92'. The new TA's have the original LD1 Red circuit (AFAIK) and they sound bad IMO. The V2 with the recto board seems to be the wisest choice for me.

Thanx! Yeah, the V1 version I have in mind is 1/3 the price of a new one(V2 I suppose). Cosmetically its pretty banged up, but works perfectly the seller says.

Basically, I`m just very curious what I miss out on if I do the V1, instead of the V2.
I've got a 1993 Triaxis that has been a really great preamp for me. Keep in mind I was never a fan of real time midi control functions offered later. I've played a couple of the newer TA versions over the years and it's my opinion the changes from version 1 are better suited and geared for a more aggressive lead tone and would work better for crunch and metal tones. If you want to hear what a version 1 sounds like, you can check a bit of my clips on the MySpace site. Recorded with 1993 TA, 1993 2:90, 1993 Mesa 4 x 12 cab and 1994 strat. Not me singing but on guitars.
^^thanks alot man for for that most useful info! ;) Have done some heavy thinking and have decided to give the V1 one a miss. Think I`ll have to go for a spanking new Version 2. Don`t want to end up regretting buying something, that lacks "something" I may need in the future(continuous control,etc,etc).

Great sounding clips though! ;)