Triaxis Tube change - which ones ?

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Jun 29, 2009
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Hello guy's my first post here !

I have a question to put to you.

I have a wonderfull mesa triaxis v.2.0 non phat mod, which sounds really great and i love it.

I've bought it used, and now that time has past i think that a tube change will give him some more .... sound, i recently changed the tubes of my fifty/fifty with:

- JJ matched 6L6
- TT 12AX7 V1 ( tube town )

that worked really well and is really good sounding, so i'm looking forward to change also the triaxis tubes
As far as i know, in the triaxis the tubes need to do theyr specific work, so here's the quesiton:

What tubes do you suggest for replacing all the tubes ?, ( Btw i don't intend to spend 300 bucks for a couple of matched tubes. )

I play almost Blues, Rock blues and jazz, so i don't think that i need high gain power tubes.

Any hint is really aprecciated

Thank You

Here is a great topic about retubing a TA :

If you're not going to plan NOS tubes for your TA I suggest that you buy a JJ 12AT7 for V2 (input tube for RHY and LD2 modes)a, and maybe a couple of 5751 for V1 (input tube in LD1 modes, V2 becoming drive tube) and V4 (drive tube for LD2 modes), depending on which modes do you use.
You'll lose some gain but it will improve dynamic.
Hey crane thank you for the answer

I didnt search retubing :D

Think i owe you a beer ;)

Thank you !
