Triaxis Switching Question

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Apr 11, 2008
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I am using the Triaxis/2:90 with a GCX and GCP. I have all my levels in my presets set so each preset is the exact volume I desire upon switching. Everything is seamless except one thing I am not sure how to deal with. When I switch from a Rhythm to a clean the switching happens so smoothly and so fast that it sounds very odd. No smooth transition between the two. Any ideas on the best way to handle this? Most all my rhythm sounds are dry no effects at all, my clean has some chorus and verb. But I use very minimal effects.


"the switching happens so smoothly and so fast that it sounds very odd. No smooth transition between the two"

Is it too smooth or not smooth enough? Either way, there really is nothing you can do about the switching of the Triaxis :-S I find that it switches amazingly compared to all of my other Mesa gear.
This comment was really not about the triaxis but the complete Rack setup with the GCX and Ground Control Pro. I have no complaints regarding the Triaxis here at all. It is just in general from going to a clean to overdriven tone that it switches so quickly the clean is just there, wham in your face and it sounds odd as if the transition between the two happens too fast. I just wanted to know if there is any ways to deal with this issue other than using the guitar volume knob to roll back to cleans? And if you notice the fact that the transition is smooth and quick, thus making the tonal change sound not so smooth, so put into context this makes sense, at least to me.
I have noticed a lot of times with my TA and 2:90 when I switch from Clean to Dirty I get a huge boost noise for like a second. Very annoying but it does not do it all the time :(
Really? I have not yet started switching the modes of the 2:90 yet. I am also using the GCX to do my switching for me so this may be the difference in not having this issue, not sure. A friend of mine told me to fix my issue that I may need to drop the clean volume a bit and dirty it up just a tad bit, not extreme but not a really lush crystal clean for the presets(songs) that go from overdrive to clean keeping the change from being so drastic. Then on the songs that there is not a switch from overdrive to clean I can use the crystal clean settings I have. I am going to try this and see if it helps.
No I just mean on the TA 2:90 set up in general. Say I go from pristine clean then kick my GC Pro to a LD 1 Red I sometimes here a loud boost for a second and then it goes away after a second and stays normal volume wise on the dirty channel.
I have not noticed that yet with mine. I do not switch to clean that often right now though, so as I get more involved with it that may become an issue for me as well.
Maybe it is just a glitch with mine. I got it brand new from Rudy's in NYC. From the start the red LED on LD 1 Red lights up real low or some times (at firts) not at all. I called boogie, but I am not about to take it all out of my rack and send it to cali just for one LED bulb. Maybe if it goes out completely I will, or just look up how to change it :(
Do you have your verb set for spillover? Maybe the abrupt change is causing a noticable gap? If the triaxis is switching too fast you might want to map your effects to not change presets unless you have to. I used to use a Boss SE70 with my triaxis which was a great for effects but had very sluggish processor when it came to changing presets. What I had to do was basically set my Verb' to taste and map the presets to stay on one preset and use a CC if i wanted to turn on a delay or any other effect (which was rare). I would put the SE70 in the loop so I could use the Loop on/off as a bypass. I later bought a mixer but had phasing issues so i decided not to keep that effects setup (but it was great to have 2 half rack pieces and the potential to keep the tone in tact).

Is this something you are noticing only when playing alone or with a group? Personnally, I have not used my Triaxis much with a group, but I would keep it on a single sound usually. My mark IV has seen more use with a group but then again I really don't do much switching with that either. So, suffice to say, i am nowhere near an authority on how the Triaxis behaves with a group utilizing the switching functions. At home it switches fine to my ears (with the exception of LD1 Red which exhibits some rambunctious behaviour sometimes but what else is the redheaded step child of the triaxis expected to do? Be good? Yeah right!). At home I am using a very simple processor which I am not entirely sold on (digitech gsp1101) but it works for the time being with its verb, chorus, and delay being the most practical effects for me.

There are a few ways around this:

Use your volume on the guitar (which you seem to already be doing)

Use a boost pedal over a clean channel for your rhythms

Use a CC pedal to drop the gain, change the tone, and raise the master instead of changing presets (this will probably be great for a subtle change over a long period of time but seems like it would just be overkill in practice)

Have a nice spillover on your effects processor so the channel switching is not an abrupt silence or set your effects processor to stay on the same preset if yours doesn't do spillover

I might be way off base or maybe you're just used to switching delays associated with most multichannel amp designs, but hopefully you get some ideas to deal with it.
