Triaxis Question

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Can anyone tell me what type of battery is in the Triaxis? Where can I get a new one? Mine is dying... so every time I power the unit off, I loose all my presets.
i read somewhere that its just like a watch battery, but im not too sure. ill have a look for you
Is this the battery?


If not, then where is it on here?

im guessing thats it. see if you can remove it without damaging anything and replace it.
no it is not the battery .
Could you post a more quality pic so I could zoom it and find the battery ?
ok then. ive never had to replace it, so i have no idea. thanks for pointin it out :)
it looks like a cpu battery.Round silver coin sized.
The thing you asked if it is the battery im shure it is not.
It is rounded by heat dissipaters so it is not the battery.
I sended a mail to mesa.
If I get an answer I ll post it here.
I found it. It's under the big silver plate that you see in the picture. TO get to it, you have to remove a circuit board. WTF? I would figure that the only part that will eventually die wolde be somewhere that Mesa would make it easy to get to.
i was thinking that there will be the best place cause we ll have to pay mesa to change it.
**** companies
someone shuld make a mod so that its rechargeable, and when the power is on, it charges the battery
My first triaxis stayed with me for 7 years !
I never changed battery so I dont think it is necessary.
Man 7 years almost a decade !!!
Well, according to Mesa, my Triaxis is over ten years old... so I think it was time. As long as it keeps me from having to reprogram my settings every time I power up, then that's the best $5 I've spent on this rack. :)

Did you have success changing out the battery or will you have to ship it to Mesa?

I was able to change it out. I refuse to ship this thing back to Mesa for a $5 part change. You just have to be careful when moving the circuit boards around to get to it. I'd say the whole process took about ten minutes.
Sounds good....I'll try giving it a shot. Do you know what kind of battery it was?

I should probably try and change out my Op Amp at the same if I can just get Sombra to give me some ideas on what to get!

I should probably try and change out my Op Amp at the same if I can just get Sombra to give me some ideas on what to get!

What is an OP AMP ??
I want to sat that it was a CR2032. But I'll check in thr morning when I go out to my truck- where the old battery is.
:lol: the lm323 is a voltage regulator, not a battery, the battery is just inside the little square metal box that appears on your general triaxis photo, you must to unscrew and leave the metal box, you could see the cr2032, classical calculators cells, just replace it with a newer cell, beware, replacing the cell will lost all your data.
and op amp is an operational amp, an IC integrated circuit, their functions is general amplify signals. as I said a op amp is an IC it means that inside it there is a completely circuit designed for the purposes of amplify signals, for example.
Inside it there is a circuit with micro elements like transistors, diodes, caps etc... they are very small and for that reason you could get a lot of power from op amps, in the best of the cases they could achieve a +/- 18 volts outputs ( with a +/- 20 power supply ) and an output current of 40 mA
You can´t install an autocharger cell inside some equipments, because unless the battery is made from lithio-ion the cell will sulfate as years go by. If your cell sulfate means that the metal elements for example niquel is spilled over nearest elements, the cell on triaxis is just together the z80 cpu if the niquel spills over the z80 cpu said bye bye to your triaxis
hope it was helpul

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