Triaxis problems (low gain and really bad sound)

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Nov 7, 2013
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Hello guys, this is my first post here. As you can understand from the title i have problems with my Triaxis. This is my second one, because i sold the first that i bought because i thought was broken: even when i changed 3 of the tubes, the sound was terrible and it was in bad condition too. Now i bought another one, but i payed it really much more than the previous, but this is in amazing conditions, but the problems of bad sound and everything still occurr. I was searching in the web for this problems and i found this thread here on Boogie Board of - what i believe- is my same problem. This is the link:

Can someone help me? I sent a message to the user who started this thread, and i'm waiting for a response, but if someone could help me i will be glad. I'm using a Mesa 50/50 power amp, but the power amp is in good condition, and previously i was using a JMP-1 and it sounded; i have a preamp processor and it sounds too, in fact i have this problem only with Triaxis.
First of all, if you want a response it might pay to be a bit more patient. Sarcasm isn't going to induce anyone to help you out.
I have a Triaxis which had a similar problem. basically the gain on max barely got me in to ACDC crunch kind of territory. It had to go back to mesa because even the authorised dealers couldn't fix this, because it was basically something in the electronics section, as opposed to in the "amp" section if that makes sense. Ie Replacing tubes didn't help. I'm afraid you are going to be unlikely to be able to fix this yourself, have you had a look inside it? I did once and it terrified me so just went to the shop. Just do it asap, you will get it back sooner. That's my advice. Good luck
Hello Maiden Fan....

backyardburial is right about sending the unit back to Mesa.... If its not the tubes, the most common fault is a switching LDR that has failed on one of the boards.... unless you are a tech, this is not user serviceable.

Get her back to Mesa so that you can continue to rock.. (If you're in Canada you could send it to me for repair)

I hope this helps...


It was an LDR that went in mine, not that I know what it actually is. But whatever it was I take it that it wasn't a simple fix.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! First of all, sorry for the sarcasm, but the fact is that the guy that sold me this, has my money (and we aren't talking about 200$ but a lot of money) and he really pissed me off, because he treated me like ****, insulting me on the phone and involved other people by twisting my words. The previous Triaxis i had had a similar, if not the same problem, and i thought it was my fault not understanding something like parameters and **** like that, but a preamp is a preamp, and even if it is difficult to set up, it's a machine, not a woman! I tried a few months ago a Stiletto (combo) and it was freakin' awesome, even if i didn't mess up with the knobs. Could be possible that 2 of 2 Triaxis i tried had the same problem? I broke a record i think hahahahaha. Backyardburial i changed 3 tubes of the previous one and the problem presisted, so it's exactly of what you were talking, so thak you very very much. Unlikely i'm from Europe, and i bought it used, so i can't send, and i don't want to send this to Mesa, because i will get my money back from the guy by hook or by crook ;). I couldn't explain the situation better with " basically the gain on max barely got me in to ACDC crunch kind of territory" because it's exactly this! Thank you again guys!

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