Triaxis Outputs

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Apr 21, 2006
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Just got my TA and have a question on the outputs. I plan to go serial from the TA into a G Major, so only need a mono into the G Major.

All of the diagrams in the TA manual show both A and B outputs being used in this type of setup.

Is there any reason I can't just use the A output into the mono input on the G major?

Don't worry, you can use either the A or B output in mono on the Triaxis to feed the G-Major, with no problem.

You can even use either the A or B or both of the Recording outputs if you'd prefer too.

Enjoy your Triaxis.
Sorry to be disapointed but I think that it is better to work with both outputs connected
this is a very similar issue to output tubes on poweramps.
This is a an output impedance from the TA and an input impedance on the gmajor.
If you don´t connect the output into the inputs maybe some voltage will be dissipate inside TA degradating the output components and maybe the tubes, the idea is that all the voltage drops just on the gmajor inputs, so if you doesn´t allow that voltage drop, your triaxis will try to dissipate that voltage inside itself.
The TA has the V5 as a fx return in stereo so... one triode of the V5 is for the channel L and the other triode of V5 is for the channel R
On some tube amps you could minimize that danger issue because you could get the input grid from the tube to 0 volts by the potenciometer, but in TA there is not a return pot.
If you want to run your gmajor with one input then you need to load one of the return jacks of the TA with a shortcircuit cable, to allow a 0volts just in the tube grid.
Anyway I recommend to you just use the gmajor on the fx loops for many reasons:
- It is well known that gmajor sucks your tone best than jenna jameson. this issue is minimize on fx loops because you add a tube stage after the gmajor with the V5
- You could program when you want to use the gmajor doing a real bypass just with the control parameter of the triaxis, on the other hand if you want to bypass the gmajor after the TA you need the do an A/D conversion and then a D/A conversion because gmajor is not a real electronic bypass. Well we live on analog world try to keep away from digital as far as you can.
hope to be helpful, enjoy the TA
Thanks for the input. Not exactly concensus, but thats OK. I'll probably try the loop and serial approach, with and without both outputs, and see what happens.

Out of curiousity, I called Mesa support and they said I could just use either A or B and turn the pot off for the one not being used.

As to the G Major sucking the life out of the sound, I've read a lot of different reviews of this, and a large majority speak very favorably of the quality. Here again, I'll just have to try it and see how it sounds.

This is a totally new rig (TA, 20/20, G Major, Dr Z cab) so I'll be hearing a lot of "new things" and I suspect it will take a while to give a full, fair evaluation.

I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again
my setup is TA rocktron intellifex on the fx loop and a 20/20
getting the output to 0 it only will puts the output to 0 volts, but I prefer just to do the two things, 0 volts on the return jack that not used and 0 volts on the output. that is my opinion so call mesa and ask them, they have the correct answer, meanwhile try all the choices
So if I am running my gmajor thru the FX loop then BOTH of the outputs on the Triaxis need to feed so something to avoid trouble?

I am only running MONO so I have a send to the gmajor to one return coming out of one output to my 2:90