Triaxis only lead 1 and 2 red modes make any sound.

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Dec 25, 2009
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I've had a 50/50 for a while(ebay) and I love the sound, so I finally bit the bullet and bought used triaxis preamp (ebay again) and when it finally got here, only the red lead modes make any sound. :(
I switched all the tubes with known working tubes and nothing, I tried it with the effects loop and without (just in case), still nothing.
Now, obviously I got a dud, I just wanted to ask, before I go through the lengthy process of trying to get my money back through paypal, if anyone here has any insight into what the problem could be and if it would be an expensive fix.
Now I know it's hard to tell with out having it tested, I was just hoping that someone here would say "oh that's happened to me before, this just needs to be fixed ".
It's worth a shot.
Thanks in advance for your time.
tubes are probably the only things you can try, other than that, need to send the unit for repair. my only experience is lead 1 drive does not work, so i had to send the unit out to an authorized repair center.
It's not the tubes if it works in the two red modes. It's something else in the circuitry - probably a switching problem. I doubt it would be that hard to fix and probably easier to accept it and pay for it if you get no joy from the seller on ebay. I had a small problem with my Triaxis which I bought on ebay, the seller was very decent and agreed to contribute to the service costs. Maybe you could propose that to him?
ando said:
It's not the tubes if it works in the two red modes. It's something else in the circuitry - probably a switching problem. I doubt it would be that hard to fix and probably easier to accept it and pay for it if you get no joy from the seller on ebay. I had a small problem with my Triaxis which I bought on ebay, the seller was very decent and agreed to contribute to the service costs. Maybe you could propose that to him?

I opened a claim with ebay after he didn't reply to my emails and he said:

,"when I was packing it,it slipped out of my hands and scraped on my coffee table.Couldnt have been that bad considering it was only about a foot above it.Thats the sliced scratch you see.As for it not working, I used that preamp myself without it ever skipping a beat.I dont sell crap gear,only stuff that I use or have used.There was absolutely nothing wrong with any of the channels prior to me sending it.However I was packing it extremely fast and it slipped from hands.Didnt land on anything where damage could be induced though, which is kind of strange.
I am not going to argue with you and dont mind giving you a full refund if you send it back.I'm thinking maybe a ribbon cable came loose of some sort.It cant be anything major.
I know this hasnt been the ideal transaction for either one of us and know there isnt much for me to do at this point to make you happy.So I'll agree to give you a complete refund plus shipping back to me."

Interesting that he would leave out the fact that he dropped it before he sent it, it's also interesting that this transaction hasn't been ideal for him as I paid instantly when I bought the damned thing and it took him 10 days to ship it out and he lied and said he had done it earlier.
Oh well, I'll just see how long it takes him to cough up the dough, thanks for the replies.
That's very annoying. You'd think if he'd dropped it from any height he would have tested it again to make sure he hadn't broken it. And who hastily wraps an expensive preamp. Surely something so expensive deserves a moment of somebody's time to be careful. I've handled such items hundreds of times and never dropped one - ever. Sounds like this guy is a bit of a clutz. Anyway, he probably isn't lying about the fact that it was working before he dropped it. In any case, by admitting his accident he has admitted liability so you shouldn't have any trouble getting your money back. Just disappointing that you have had to wait all this time and had all this hassle to end up with no Triaxis at the end of it. I'm sure you'll find one soon though. There is an eBay seller called "Ascendancy Music" which I can highly recommend. They often sell Mesa gear, including the Triaxis. They will send you something in proper working condition and they pack things extremely well.