triaxis metal???

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Queens, NY
are there any triaxis metal clips...

ala lamb of god or modern good stuff like that. nevermore, arch enemy etc???

ive heard all rock and lead tones which great IMO but i wanna know if it can capture the crunch and bite of the mark iv and the iic+ as far crunch tones

kinda like in this vid
Yeah I wanna know if a Triaxis can sound anything like those iiC+ also
Can you post the mode and settings you are using for THE VOID introduction rhythm sounds? Great tone.
ibanezgtr said:
Can you post the mode and settings you are using for THE VOID introduction rhythm sounds? Great tone.

I liked but it's very muffed, like if you have a blanket between cabnet and mic ! :(
Some treble and presence will give it some ir.
Compare guitar to cymbals.
Cymbals are more treble but guitars are completely without presence.
At least to my ears :wink:
Sorry but they recorded all songs from this album with an ADA modded mp1.
I saw some rehearsals and some recording sessions because my teacher was a friend of them. :wink:
You're very naive.
People use what companies pay them to use but at the studio they only use what they want.
Yes mozzart mello was my teacher between 1990 and 1994.
My picture is on his student's album ,come to visit my country and I'll show you.
At the same time I had classes with eduardo ardanuy who was studing with mozzart but plays rock.He is from DR. SIN band.
BTW I don't give a **** on what you believe (or not).
I'm just trying to be what you aren't,polite.
So grow up and move on.
I didn't know NAIVE was an ofensive word.
Anyway I lived in san diego for 2 years,I never told I was born in san diego.
Everybody tell lies ,some of us grow and stop,others don't.
You've never lied in your life ?
I bet you did lots of time.
I never asked you to believe me,if you don't ok.
Aramism said:
are there any triaxis metal clips...

ala lamb of god or modern good stuff like that. nevermore, arch enemy etc???

um.... how does Metallica or John Petrucci rub you.... hetfield has about 4 or 5 of them in his live setup (the amps they show onstage now are just for show).... hammett has a few of them in combination with a few ada mp1s....... petrucci has used it for both recording and live..... i owned one a v2.0 with the phat mod (which adds the recto circuit on vintage mode).... the key to get those awesome metal tones is to pair it with a 2:90 as they a are made for each other.... just like the channels on a dr have 3 settings (modern, vintage, raw) the triaxis pairs function switches with the 2:90 and are programmable (Deep, Half Drive or Modern).... sorry if i lost you but trust me if you're looking for the lamb of god tones they're all in there especially since he uses the mark iv.... you can get ridiculously heavy tones out of the triaxis.... not quite the saturation of a recto but that i think is a good thing for music like lamb of god or nevermore.... for that type of music you need articulation and the triaxis has that.... the built-in pre-programmed post eq is killer and can you almost any tone you want

my TA + Gmajor + Engl 930/960
first sound is the original DC tone .. 2nd is with my 4x12 Marshall G12t-75 .. 3rd is my 2x12 Framus V30
Can you post the settings to the first sound? I think you nailed the tone, especially when you watch Petrucci live at G3.

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