TriAxis - Mark IIC+/Mark IV question

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Nov 8, 2008
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waynesboro, va
I have a early model TriAxis and it's on it's last leg. It's over 10 years old, it was made about 1995 I believe. I'm about to purchase a brand new one, and I’ve noticed they've changed a few things.

My TriAxis has the mode listing as follows:

(note: this is taken from my owners manual)


Green = Vintage Fat Rhythm
Yellow = Modern Bright Rhythm


Green = Vintage Mark I Lead
Yellow = Gain Boost Mark I Lead
Red = Dual Rectifier Vintage


Green = Mid-Gain Mark IV Lead
Yellow = Classic Mark II Lead
Red = Searing Boogie Lead

My question is about the changes in the LEAD 2 - Yellow Mode. This is the main mode that I use. I've noticed on the Mesa/Boogie website they've made a few changes and such. But I’m concerned with the change of putting the Mark IV lead and the Mark IIC+ lead together as one mode now. Does anyone know if there is much sound/tone difference in the current production models from the older ones with the Mark II C+ on it's own mode channel.
What makes a TriAxis on its last leg? I imagine it'd be cheaper to send to Boogie and have it repaired then it would to purchase a new one. Plus, from the list you have there, it sounds like you have the good Ld1 Red model.

I heard from someone claiming to be knowledgeable in the Mesa world that..

TriAxis' firmware gets updated each time Mesa releases a new amp. I doubted this. To be more clear, let me give an example.

1990: TriAxis is released with settings.
2000: Mesa releases the Road King.
Present: All new TriAxis made with original + Road King settings from the factory.

Is this true?
jaquetapus said:
What makes a TriAxis on its last leg? I imagine it'd be cheaper to send to Boogie and have it repaired then it would to purchase a new one. Plus, from the list you have there, it sounds like you have the good Ld1 Red model.


+1. You may very well have a V2 with no Phat Mod, and I'd personally want to keep that version of Lead 1 Red (no longer available). Unless it's in shreds, I'd just have Boogie fix it up. I wouldn't worry too much about Lead 2 Yellow. No major changes there I've ever heard of.