Triaxis getting closer

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2007
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Brisbane - Australia
Hi Guys,

Well I had a really hard time taming the TA.

When I first got it, it squelched and squawked and was a wild beast.

This has been the hardest Pre-amp to tame that I've ever owned.

I almost traded it, if fact I have a maybe deal still on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Triaxis for a VHT 45 Pitbul 1 x12.!!!!!!!!!!!

But you can't help but wonder, why so many love it.

Enough ****.

As you may or not know I blew a power tube in my Satellite 60 watt 6L6GC, stay away from Sovtek.

So I fired up my trusty Aussie Made 50/50 Valve Power amp, dusted off my custom made 1 x 12' speaker box with Lotantz speaker. Now the first time I took it to a gig, it howled like a wolf, I just couldn't control it.

It then hit me that in my draw were 2 x JJ - KT77, man I forgot all about them.

So in they went. WOW. Hugh sound.

I replaced all the tubes in the TA and turned up the output volume to 5.

Man It's a different Pre-Amp.

So I have a gig tonight.

Now!! if it goes well, great keeping her, if not than off to the chopping block for the TA.

Wish me luck guys,

Hi All,

Played the gig from hell, No people. Hey at least i get paid for it.

So i had plenty of time to tweak and change things.

I am having problems that I have read here.

The Clean is distorting.

If I pick the clean stays clean, but strumming causes distortion.

I didn't like the KT77, as soon as I went back to the old EL34 Valves, big difference.

I was reasonably happy with the rest, but the clean is really starting to bug me.

Any Help.

I have tired changing the Tubes,

The leads are ok just not WOW.

DAM!!! this is a lot harder than I thought.

Hi Guys,

I sent a question to Mesa Boogie about my Triaxis Problem.

Getting distortion in my Clean Sound. he suggested taking the GT8 out all together, then trying it in the Triaxis Effects loop.

I have a Boss GT8 and normally put the Pre-amp in the effects loop of the GT8.

This way I can have effects before and effects after the loop in any order. So I would have Wah, Comp, Dist, then the Loop (Triaxis), Eq, reverb, delay.

So I put the GT8 in the Effects loop of the Triaxis, WOW, like taking a blanket off my speaker.

The Clean was crystal, the distortions were just awesome.

Now running it this way, I loose all the extras effects and end up with just reverb and Delay. As the Wah and distortions are now after the Triaxis.

Well I think I am at least on the right Track now.

I am very interested in what you guys use for a distortion Boost and how you hook it all up.

Back on track!!!!

i use a lexicon mxp-1 for all of my "normal" effects and I run it thru the effects loop of the triaxis. On the front end of the triaxis i run a keeley compressor or a presonus bluemax smart compressor and either an ibanez ts-808 tubscreamer or a BB preamp for added boost when needed. you can check out the link below to hear songs I have recorded with this very setup.
I think you're gonna be much happier if you use your TriAxis effects loop. It will take some patience and time to dial in your differences in volume and effects. I think you'll also find that any TA tone changes respond very differently with the effect loop. Depends on the sound you're looking to get but I suggest that you use any dynamic voice at the end of a food sound and don't push the DV past 5 unless you want something really sick.
I run my triaxis in my GT-Pros's effects loop, then run the gt pro(main outs) back into the triaxis will need to mess around with the levels to get it just right but you have the full pallet of effects available that way. in addition you can use the triaxis record out to record or go direct to a mixer for live work. You get the added benefit of having the gt-pro (or gt-8) pre amp tones sounding even better because they go through the triaxis output tube. This is known as the six cable method (I run it in mono so its only 5).
Hi all,

well!!!at this point, I give up. White flag is up.

I have finally got a killer clean sound, beautiful.

But now all the dirty channels sound like I have a box over the amp.

I just don't get it. It has taken me 3 months of tweaking and I'm still not any closer. WTF is going on here. Why.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just can't justify keeping this beast any longer, it is not for me.

Triaxis for sale in Australia.

Gezza, Licked but not beaten.
Thats the consequence of having so many different tones available. And that is to have them all ballanced so no tone sounds to thin or bloated against the other.

It's all in your ears my friend. :lol:
for the original poster: i was going to sell my Tri too. even more, i was ready to smash it against the nearest wall i had at the time. however, i found a way out.

dude, you need a mesa power amp. i cannot stress this enough, you MUST run it through a mesa/boogie poweramp that i ssupposed to work with this preamp. people say VHTs work good too, but i never tried one. i used to own a custom built PTP wired poweramp, and Triaxis sounded like **** with it. I ran the Tri through a multitude of fx loops returns - from Sovteks to Fenders to Peavey to Marshalls. It sounded like **** each time, sometimes it was better, sometimes it was almost normal, but you're never happy with it, and you keep wondering if the **** thing was worth shelling out a grand.

so i got a Mesa 2:Fifty poweramp. Not that the sound became a different world altogether. You still hear the same basic tonal structure, the character is still there, so if you wanted, basically, a recto tone, you're f***ed. but if you're into more classic tones, and less fizz, believe it or not, with a mesa poweramp it loses all the "****" artefacts you might have heard before - unwanted feedback, 75% of the noise, all the ugly top end, all that stuff is suddenly gone, and it breathes now.