Triaxis Gain Questions

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane - Australia
Hi all,

Ok, I have been tweaking and changing speakers and changing speakers. Over and over.

2 more gigs this weekend.

I just wanted to know, I've downloaded every triaxis present I could get my hands on.

Now most high gain stuff, the Gain is set to - 8 and Lead Drv 8, I tried a little experiement, I lowerd the Lead Drv down by 2 to 6 and didn't notice any difference. Except the TA become a little quieter, less noise same tone.

I know no one here would have the same settings, but do many of you find the factory and presets have way too much gain?????

which is best to change, lowering the Gain or lower the Lead Drv???

I have one gig tonight, I swapped speaker cabs and speakers, so we'll see if that helps. Then tomorrow night I'll bring my other speaker cab.

Man I can't wait for my 60watt Satellite to arrive. One more week.

geeza it depends on what kind of sound you are going for.....most of the lead two sounds can have the gain pretty high (6.5-9) for the lead one sounds need the gain lower (3-6) most times to achieve the tones I am after.....and in both cases whever the gain is set my drive channel is most liekly set a below what the gain is set. this is what works best for me.

however, I have expermented and achieved some pretty favorable results doing stuff like setting the gain on lead one red at 7 and setting the drive between 1 and 3. it kind of gives you a raw marshall sounding tone especially if you crank the mid up to about 8...i dont care much at all for the factory presets on my triaxis and as a result every channel i use is one that i programmed.....keep experimenting you will find the right combo of settings that works best for your sound!