Triaxis forgets my settings when I power off

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May 27, 2009
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Hey everyone,

(note: I've already posted this on gearslutz, but didn't get many replies)
So I've just started using the Mesa/Boogie Triaxis and am really digging it so far. Very flexible and quick to get around.

But, I'm having problems with the memory: In Preset 01 (for example) I set everything how I want. To store it in the memory I press "ENTR" twice to save. I flip to Preset 02 and then back to Preset 01 and all is well... settings still saved. BUT, when I turn it off, and power it up again, everything goes back to some other setting previous to my customizing it.

I checked online and many mentioned the 3V DC battery inside the unit. I took it out and tested it... it was putting out a solid 3V, but I changed it with a brand new just in case and still having the amnesia after I power it off.

I've gone through the section about saving presets over and over and am pretty sure I'm doing it the right way... any ideas?
That's just cause you're on the first 20 settings. To save on those presets, you have to press shift then loop then enter twice and you should be ready to go!
Wow seriously eh? Maybe I'm blind but I don't remember any special instructions for the first 20... d'oh. So the process I explained in the first post should work for 21 and on?
The first 20 presets are "factory" and are by default write protected. you should start your user presets fro 21. However if you run out of presets (unlikely) and want to also use the first 20 there is a procedure in the manual that defeats the write protection.