Triaxis - difference in main outs / FX send?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Quick question... was wiring up a Triaxis rig yesterday and was wondering... how much stuff is in the signal path between the FX send/return and main outputs? I know the output level control on the front panel is between, anything else worthy of note? (I really don't need the output level control, either, since both my power amp and FX unit have level controls - the level on the Triaxis just feels like one more thing I can accidentally bump and screw up the signal level going downstream to my FX unit.)

I started thinking about it because when I had a Studio preamp I remember getting a slightly cleaner tone running out of the FX send than the main outputs.

In the spirit of "let me google that for myself" I did find and try to read the Triaxis schematic... if I read it correctly using the FX send instead of the main outs bypasses the V5 tube stage - I'm not sure what else is in there since I really have no EE background...

You are correct it bypasses some circuitry, but it only matters if it sounds better to you. I go back and forth using my quad from the effects send or from the main output. On that preamp, the fx send is a lot warmer and fuller (not always what I'm going for). I remember the tri being clearer using just the fx send.
Thanks! Oddly enough I've been using the Triaxis in a country band, so I've been looking for ways to clean it up - swapped some of the 12AX7's for 12AT7's and 5751's already, then thought about the FX loop trick and it seems to help a bit more. --B
A 12at7 in v2 (second from the input) should make the cleans very clean. That tube affects rhythm and ld2 iirc. I remember tube rolling with my mesa 12ax7's there, and ended up with an spax7 or a Chinese 1(?).

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