Triaxis defective

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Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Duisburg, Germany
Hi, my new (used) triaxis is already broken after playing just 2 times with it :(

i´m having problems with my triaxis, v2.0.
When i go into clean (Rhythm Channel, green, gain set to 0, driver set to 0) there is still distortion in the sound. It sounds like lowgain sound. I played with these settings and it worked as my clean sound, now its distorting. Lead 1 red works well in this case -- distortion as used. Changing EQs has no effects to the sound.

The next effect is thats after switching my triaxis off and back on the Clean was now clean, but when going into Lead 1 red, gain 7, drive 7 it sounds like lowgain. Again no (or very small) change to the sound when altering the EQs on the triaxis.

Im going with my guitar directly into triaxis, outputs from triaxis into my mesa 2:90. I have out in new tubes without success. Changing cables dindt help as well.

Do you have an Idea, what i could start checking in the Preamp?
Open the top and check the ribbon cables inside. Unplug and replug them in but be careful in doing so that you don't break the cable. If that doesn't help then you probably have a bad LDR or logic component. I would say at that point you are getting in over your head and you should seek further help.

The schematics are located on


What i noticed, is that some of the soldering points of tube sockets are oxidated. I could imagine that the problem lies somewhere there. But i dont know how to get there, because there is this board in front of it. Its not possible to remove it, without unsoldering all the cables that go there.

i rather would like to locate the problem stage before starting to resolder every single socket.

It honestly doesn't sound like an oxidized solder joint. If you were hearing intermittent cracks or little noises then I would say it might be a remote possibility. I think your problem lies in the LDRs or switching logic as I stated earlier. You should test out the LDRs to see if they are routing your guitar to the right circuitry.

How would you test the LDRs and with which ones would you start?

Im not sure about your theory, because im having these effects on all channels - Rhythm and Leads.
That's as far as I can go to help you. I cannot be responsible for you getting hurt or ruining your equipment.

I gave you a link to the schematic. I suggest you get some help on this.

i found someone in an other board having similar problems. his triaxis was repaired and ldrs were changed, so you seem to be right.

my question is -- ldrs on the board are not labelled, so how can i know, which one is ldr9 for example? i need to know which ldr is which one, so i can work with the schematic

Use the schematic and treat it like a treasure map. Find a common start point and go from one point to the next until your reach your destination.
