Tremoverb Unity Gain

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2011
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Can someone provide definite step by step instruction on how to achieve unity gain with a Tremoverb.

This would be easy if not for the "Loop Active Master".

Much appreciated...
Can you clarify what you mean by unity gain? I am guessing you want to run some sorta effects unit in the loop, and want the signal going into the unit to be as hot as the one coming out of the unit, so the volume doesn't change when engaging the FX loop?

Something else?
Yes, I am trying to use an effects unit in my series loop.

I want to make sure I have the best possible signal without too much gain or not enough signal.
No, it's easy *because* of the Loop Active Master, that's the whole point of it.

1. set up the amp with the Send and LAM set to about halfway, and the channel masters at wherever you normally set them.

2. if the FX unit is clipping on the loudest sound you use on either channel, back off the Send level. If it isn't, turn up the Send until it is, then back off a bit until it isn't.

3. Using the Loop Select switch on the back, switch between 'Bypass Loop' and 'Loop On Orange & Red'. Adjust the LAM until there's no volume difference between these two.

Now you have unity gain through the loop.
I am a bit confused.

Firstly, thanks Brother for the time you took to answer my question.

O.K. here is where I lost you.

I made it a point to get the volume levels (using the masters on both channels of both amps) equal between channels and amps (taking into consideration the dynamics clean has over the compression the high gain has).

So first I start with one amp and have the Loop Active Master (LAM) to about 3 or 4 o'clock.
I get the volumes equal using the Channel foot switch. Then I use the ToneBone SwitchBone to switch to the other amp and repeat. Then I use the LAM to get each amp equal to each other by switching back and forth and adjusting the LAM.

I then make sure (using the FX Loop switch) that my dry output matches my wet output, and if there is not enough output on the wet signal I increase the level of the output on the GMajor.

I then use the LAM daily depending on whether my drummer is there or not. Crank it up with drums and down some without a drummer.

It allows me to easily change my levels without having to play with all four masters.

What I did not notice, is any change in my meter on my effects unit when doing this.

I only see a change when I change the masters, which I do not normally do.

So what I did recently is change from Tube to Diode and from Spongy to Bold, as I read a post (I think from you) that this would allow for a cleaner clean and tighter and faster tracking. I also have the Orange channel cloned to Red to remove the blanket circuit.

Now my meter on my GMajor is about 11:30 on the input and 3:30 on the output. Whereas normally they both sat at about 12:00.

I am uncomfortable with that setting as it seems very odd. If anything I should not have to increase the output and I do expect a decrease in the input as the amp is now outputting more.

I did change the settings on the send when I made this change.

O.K. so I am also confused because I thought the intent of the LAM was to allow the user to use it as I easily change "overall" output levels without having to worry about the two channels not being equal. Once the user sets the masters, the user can adjust the LAM to increase or decrease the output level of the amp.

I did not think it was for changing send levels in the loop. I must have misread the owners manual and will review it.

I will also try your instructions.

With all respect to you, I hope you are wrong because this would make life hard for me, as I would have to either stick to one playing volume or change four masters every time the drummer shows up. LOL

I will let you know and thanks again.
Just finished learning Peacmaker Die by Extreme and checked the LAM I spoke of earlier.

Indeed, it does not raise the send levels up or down when I turn it up or down.

Sorry, I must be doing something wrong or my amp is messed up or there has been a misunderstanding.

The only time I get a change to my send levels is by using the send level knob or masters on each channel.

Let me know...again sorry if I messed this up.
TremoJem said:
Just finished learning Peacmaker Die by Extreme and checked the LAM I spoke of earlier.

Indeed, it does not raise the send levels up or down when I turn it up or down.

Sorry, I must be doing something wrong or my amp is messed up or there has been a misunderstanding.

The only time I get a change to my send levels is by using the send level knob or masters on each channel.

Let me know...again sorry if I messed this up.
You are correct, the LAM is after the FX Loop and should only control the overall volume of the amp. Think of it as your FX Loop "Return" control.

TremoJem said:
So first I start with one amp and have the Loop Active Master (LAM) to about 3 or 4 o'clock.
IMO if you are running your LAM at 3-4:00 you are running the amp out of headroom. I couldn't imagine running one 100W Recto at 3-4:00 on the LAM, nevermind two. Where are your Channel Masters and FX Loop Send levels? Ideally you want the FX Send around 12:00.

Sorry guys...I am an idiot.

My LAMs are at 8:30-9:00 and that is where I start when setting up, and then I might push it to 10:00 when the drummer is there. It does not take much adjustment to notice a significant output.

O.K. so my channel masters for both amps on the orange channel (clean, not vintage) are set to about 2:00. The gain for both amps is about 8:30-9:00.

The channel masters for both amps on the red channel (modern) are set to about 8:30-9:00.The gain for both amps is at maximum.

The send on both amps is about 12:00. The amps are 2000 and 2001, but when looking at the input meters on the GMajor there is a little less output on one of the amps (could just be the pot or whatever) so I have that send level a little higher to even the signal against the other amp.

I know max on the red channel sounds crazy to everyone but I have not committed to backing off of by two or three. I have a 12AT7 in the phase inverter positions on both amps to make the cleans as clean as I can get them and to open up the dynamics and frequency range. This seems to have worked and I am considering further tube rolling to continue on this path. V1, V2 and V3 and the reverb as well. I may even try 5751s. I don't know yet.

The amp does sound different and better. Not so fizzy and metal or blotto. More musical I guess.
I use my LAM all the time for level control too, and you can still do that. I also never adjust the channel masters once I've set the channel balance correctly.

But nevertheless, if you want *unity gain* through the FX loop with the maximum signal level before clipping the FX unit, the way I described is the way to do it. If that's not what you want to do, forget the whole idea of unity gain - it really doesn't matter anyway unless you're planning to bypass the loop with the Select switch on the back. The FX loop footswitch doesn't do the same thing, it turns the loop on and off internally to the loop circuit. All that matters is that you get a good controllable sound with no clipping in the FX loop.

By the way, *do not* put a 12AT7 (or 12AY7, or 12AV7) in the V3 position, or V4 - you'll blow it. 12AX7, 12AU7 or 5751 only for these two.
Thanks and yes I will set the unity gain according to your instructions.

Thanks for the tips on the tubes too.

I actually have that discussion bookmarked. Very important stuff to know so thanks again.