Tremoverb or DC-5

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Covington, LA
well, I have decided AGAIN to bite the bullet on getting a new amp, which means my .50cal+ and 1x12 extension will soon be on the market. My dilemma is the choice between a DC-5 and Tremoverb.

I lean toward the Tremoverb just a hair because I want a tremolo for some surf stuff that I like.

Mostly playing blues and classic rock and pop ... no "heavy metal" - ZZTop or LZ is as heavy as I would get, I lean more towards a little cleaner sound of Dire Straits, and some jazzy sounding stuff.

I will get a combo.

Is either incapable of doing this stuff ?? is one better than the other for a certain type - I don;t think I am asking a lot = don;t need a specialized dual rec/MarkiII/MarkIV -

I started leaning more toward the DC-5 because of the EQ and lesser power. Thanks for your input. 8)
Can't tell you much about the T-Verb. What I can say, however, is that the DC5 will definitely get you there in great form (used mine lots in about the last 10 years). That said, another guy (on TGP) whom I respect a great deal sold his DC5 (which he loved and gigged with for nearly a decade) for a T-Verb and hasn't looked back, he digs it that much.

Both amps are soulful, versatile tone machines kind a comes down to splitting tonal hairs and your own personaly tastes. Do keep in mind, however, that the T-Verb in combo form is about 110lbs (to the DC5's ~65). Buy it in a head, get a roadie, or start working out. :)

i have owned a tremoverb and a dc3. either amp will get you where you want to go tonaly, but if i had the choice between the two i would pick the tremoverb hands down. better tone. imo anyway.
Having owned both, I can sa that the Tremoverb is fantastic.

BUT... I sold it and kept my DC-5 . The DC has the EQ which goes a long way for changing tone on the fly.

Also, the DC5 has the clean channel pull boost which dials in an instant brown grit sound from a sparkling clean at the flick of a switch.

The annoying thing about the TOV was the modular foot pedals for everything. Lead, rhyth, reverb, etc. The DC has eq and channel on one pedal.

Again, I liked the TOV a lot but the DC5 is a classic amp to me and can take me from brilliant clean to metal in .5 seconds.

Good luck. You'll do fine with either really.
I never played on a Tremoverb but do own a DC-5 and love it. Great cleans or slightly gritty in channel one and very nice overdrive in channel 2. Other than the tone and flexability of the amp, I like it for it's size and light weight. Did I say light weight? For a Mesa it's light and won't break your back like the Nomad 100 2x12 combo I just sold.

I thought combos would be the way to go for me but if I did it all over I would get a head and 1x12 or 2x12 cabinet. DC-5 combos are easier to find.
How would you guys who have owned both compare the Cleans in each amp?

I just sold my DC-5, but kept the DC-10. The Mark IV is for sale, and I was thinking about a Tremoverb combo.

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