Mesa does indeed set theirs really really cold. It prolongs tube life, but it doesn't necessarily improve headroom - in fact, they set it so cold it probably reduces headroom, as you get crossover distortion.
IMO they do this so they can be fairly sloppy with respect to tube screening - set it sufficiently cold and you don't have to reject too many tubes for running too hot.
The three Mesas I have right now - a Heartbreaker, a 295 power amp, and a DR - all run under 20mA per, with Mesa-branded tubes. I run the Heartbreaker in 'tube rectifier mode' with a SS plug-in module, because the tube recto mode on those changes the bias. It runs a little over 30 this way.
On the 295, I got rid of the Mesa tubes in favor of Sylvania 6L6GCs and Siemens EL34s, picked for higher idle (about 40mA for the 6L6s, about 35 for the EL34s), but it is also substantially higher-voltage than the modern stuff.