Transporting a Mark IV Widebody down/up stairs

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Feb 17, 2006
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Hey guys, been lurking here for a few months and decided it was my time to join this forum.

In about 9 days, I will be a proud owner of a Mark IV Widebody Combo. I'm definitely excited about this amp (to the point where I've read about every accessable Mark IV article to really get to know this amp).

Anyways, back on-topic. I am curious as to how anyone carries this tank up/down stairs. During a band practice, I'm sure that I will have a helping hand from one of my bandmates, but is there any type of ramp or technique (even though it comes with a handle) that would make it easier to lug this amp up and down floors.

I read about the Gator cases on this forum, and while it may seem convenient for large trips, I haven't found any answer or advice concerning this topic.

So if anyone has some form of advice or recommendations other than extreme weight-lifting for "migrating" this amp down and up a flight of stairs, do tell. Thankfully, my neighbors are not pricks when it comes to loud sound, and this amp will probably be on the bottom floor, but it wouldn't hurt to ask becuase I'm sure at least one of you guys have had to transport this upstairs alone at least once.

Thanks in advance!
They aren't that heavy . It's a little bit heavier than my old 65 Deluxe Reverb but not much.
Take it one step at a time if you have to. No biggie. Who cares if it takes 5 seconds or 30 seconds to take your amp up or down a flight of stairs.

I'm a crippled guy and I move my MarkIIC combo(65 lbs.) with no problems, just slowly. I'm always below it on the stairs(up or down) and move one step at a time.

You can also buy a dollie for about $20 at a Home Depot or whatever.

An able bodied person should be able to move his or her equipment without complaining. It's part of the "job".
srf399 said:
They aren't that heavy . It's a little bit heavier than my old 65 Deluxe Reverb but not much.

I just weighed mine vrs. my Deluxe reverb. The Mark IV is 34 pounds heavier!!!!

Ibanezgtrsst07 said:
So if anyone has some form of advice or recommendations other than extreme weight-lifting for "migrating" this amp down and up a flight of stairs, do tell. Thankfully, my neighbors are not pricks when it comes to loud sound, and this amp will probably be on the bottom floor, but it wouldn't hurt to ask becuase I'm sure at least one of you guys have had to transport this upstairs alone at least once.

Thanks in advance!

2 man job for sure. Mine is wood so you have the extra weight. Around the house I get my son to help and if it is going out just get one of my friends to help. You can also get one of those dollies that does stairs from Home Depot etc. as a prvious poster mentioned.

Don't hurt your back!!!!

Thanks for the replies. I'm probably going to end up going to Home Depot to check out some dollies, regardless of price. My current amp weighs about 72lbs with the footswitch and any EBMM 6166 pedal inside of it. However, it didn't have casters, which made it a pain to carry it across large distances (with breaks so I can at least move my body when I finally get to the set-up stage.)

I do like how it is about 8" narrower and 5" shorter than my current amp, which will definitely make it more convenient for narrow hallways.

As with any piece of equipment, I'll be taking my time, and lifting with my legs.

Time to check out some dollies, take care!
I'm 6'1" and 220 lbs and I carry my MkIV in one arm and my guitar in an Anvil case in the other and power walk up the stairs.... I guess I forget that most guitar players aren't like me.

Also my Deluxe Reverb had a V30 in it.
I'll see your MK IV and raise you 1 Road King Combo.....

I hate taking my sweet beast upstairs...but that's the price to pay for TONE.

I seem to remember the MK IV was significantly lighter than the RK...of course the RK is about 100-120 lbs.

Good luck,

Red Barchetta said:
I'll see your MK IV and raise you 1 Road King Combo.....

I hate taking my sweet beast upstairs...but that's the price to pay for TONE.

I seem to remember the MK IV was significantly lighter than the RK...of course the RK is about 100-120 lbs.

Good luck,


Hah. That thought ran in my head today. Thinking I have it bad, I can only imagine how much money your chiropractor has made while lugging that 2x12 RK combo.
Update: I received my Mark IV today, and she is quite a beauty. All this studying of the amp allowed me to dial in a remarkable (no pun intended) tone within 15-20 minutes.

But one thing that surprised me the most is how much lighter this amp is than expected. I won't have to buy a dollie for this because I find this amp much easier to carry than my Spider 2 212 combo.

I will record some clips when I get the chance, but for now, I'm isolated in the Mark IV world, just like the rest of you guys. I also took pics, but you've guys all seen the Mark IV before, so there's no need. :)

Now I have one last thing to do- get my multi-FX unit and prepare for tonal bliss.. Which will lead me to making a thread about it.

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