Transatlantic owners...

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2008
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So what's the deal with these. I have seen a few guys say they got one then hear nothing else.

A few questions.

Will it hang with a loud drummer. I don't mean in a club at a gig in any venue. I mean simply at practice. Will it hang to the point that everyone not only hears you, but that the volume is a good mix.

Let's hear some clips!

This so far is the best youtube I have seen

He says it is loud enough to play with a band, but I would rather hear from someone hear who already has.
geez either the TA's suck, or they are pretty amazing cause we aren't getting much feedback. i am very interested in hearing more about these little boogies. I love my ED. but you have to crank it to get to the sweet spot. i am moving to where i cant crank my amp anymore and would love to get that cranked ED tone out of a TA at t.v. levels.
Yeah, the crickets are a little deafening.

Maybe just not that many Transatlantic owners, or there too busy playing them :)
I tried one the other day. Personally, I enjoyed the night train way more. The TA was kindof boring and outrageously priced, but hey, that's just MHO. I didn't get to crank it much though, but I'm thinking it'll be boarder line with a band depending on the style of music you play of course.
I a/b'd the Tiny Terror, the Night Train, and the TransAtlantic, and the TA is easily a better amp than either of the other two. That you could not hear a difference makes me wonder if something was up.

I disagree with your "outrageously priced" comment too, considering there are probably twice as many parts in the TA as the NT, it is built in the USA, and has a warranty that far exceeds the nighttrain.
phyrexia said:
I a/b'd the Tiny Terror, the Night Train, and the TransAtlantic, and the TA is easily a better amp than either of the other two. That you could not hear a difference makes me wonder if something was up.

I disagree with your "outrageously priced" comment too, considering there are probably twice as many parts in the TA as the NT, it is built in the USA, and has a warranty that far exceeds the nighttrain.

Actually, I could hear a difference. And I enjoyed the NT more. Well, I think the tag at GW in Calgary was almost $1000. So, if that floats your boat, give 'er popcorn. Also, warrantee is only useful if you need to use it. Not sure how reliable the NT is though.
I just traded a Bogner "Mojado" head (2-6V6's-15 watts) for the Transatlantic
and this is what I experienced! The Bogner sells for $1039 in the head version
versus $899 for the MB Transatlantic!

1.The T15 has way better cleans on both channels 1 and 2! The Bogner had very
nice cleans but the EL84's will always have more chime and top end than 6V6's!

2.The T15 tonally has the most flexability I have seen on any single-ended or dual
channel amp to date with the 2 separate voicings on channel 1 and 3 voicings on
channel 2.(Certainly in anything in the $500-1500 price range and 5-30 watt power

3.The amp is deceptively simple to dial in great tones and I might add that you almost
can't dial in a bad tone on this amp! Their is instant and incremental changes in the
Gain,Treble,Bass and Master volume controls on both channels 1 and 2.

4.This amp has the ability to sound like multiple amps due to the different voicings
and possibly the most unique thing about the T15 is the way the amp tonally morphs
into a different amp when you switch from the 5-15-25 watt settings! The magic in
this amp is what happens to it when you go from the 15 watt setting to the 25 watt
setting or vice versa!

My personal taste tells me it sound good with all guitars (Single-Coil,P-90's and HB's)
but to my ears it just "KICKS ***" with P-90's and HB's! If I had to pick a favorite
channel with single-coils it would be channel 1 with the British voicing and the TOP-
BOOST voicing (Still sounds very good on channel 2). P-90's and HB's sound really
fat and punchy and both channels!

Hopefully this will give some people some insight on this "FINE LITTLE SWISS ARMY"
amp that "Packs a Mean Punch" with an arsenal of tones with the flip of a switch
or two!

By the way I am running the T15 through a PORT CITY OVERSIZED 1X12 cabinet
with a Vintage 30 in it! This is very likely one of the best sounding 1X12 closed
back cabinets on the market! I played the T15 through a BOGNER 1X12 Mini Cube
which is highly regarded as a great 1X12 Cabinet! The Port City "mops the floor"
with the BOGNER CUBE 1X12 which also has a Vintage 30 in it!

macsrs4 said:
I just traded a Bogner "Mojado" head (2-6V6's-15 watts) for the Transatlantic
and this is what I experienced! The Bogner sells for $1039 in the head version
versus $899 for the MB Transatlantic!

1.The T15 has way better cleans on both channels 1 and 2! The Bogner had very
nice cleans but the EL84's will always have more chime and top end than 6V6's!

2.The T15 tonally has the most flexability I have seen on any single-ended or dual
channel amp to date with the 2 separate voicings on channel 1 and 3 voicings on
channel 2.(Certainly in anything in the $500-1500 price range and 5-30 watt power

3.The amp is deceptively simple to dial in great tones and I might add that you almost
can't dial in a bad tone on this amp! Their is instant and incremental changes in the
Gain,Treble,Bass and Master volume controls on both channels 1 and 2.

4.This amp has the ability to sound like multiple amps due to the different voicings
and possibly the most unique thing about the T15 is the way the amp tonally morphs
into a different amp when you switch from the 5-15-25 watt settings! The magic in
this amp is what happens to it when you go from the 15 watt setting to the 25 watt
setting or vice versa!

My personal taste tells me it sound good with all guitars (Single-Coil,P-90's and HB's)
but to my ears it just "KICKS ***" with P-90's and HB's! If I had to pick a favorite
channel with single-coils it would be channel 1 with the British voicing and the TOP-
BOOST voicing (Still sounds very good on channel 2). P-90's and HB's sound really
fat and punchy and both channels!

Hopefully this will give some people some insight on this "FINE LITTLE SWISS ARMY"
amp that "Packs a Mean Punch" with an arsenal of tones with the flip of a switch
or two!

By the way I am running the T15 through a PORT CITY OVERSIZED 1X12 cabinet
with a Vintage 30 in it! This is very likely one of the best sounding 1X12 closed
back cabinets on the market! I played the T15 through a BOGNER 1X12 Mini Cube
which is highly regarded as a great 1X12 Cabinet! The Port City "mops the floor"
with the BOGNER CUBE 1X12 which also has a Vintage 30 in it!


SOunds like a cool amp. can you compare it to an electra dyne? are they voiced similar? how much gain can you crank out on a TA?
I also would be very interested in owners' impressions of the amount of volume the TA generates at 25 watts, from the "can you gig with it?" angle. I play classic rock at fairly moderate volumes in typical smaller bar settings, and have two 1-12 Mesa cabs I could use with a TA (1 Thiele; 1 open-back compact with a EVM), either separately or together.
hey weatherman,

It just so happens that my jamming buddy has an Electradyne head with matching 4X12
cabinet! I just got off the phone with Bobby and told him that he needed the Transatlantic
to go along with his ED! He actually played through my T15 before I got to demo it! His
exact words were "If I didn't already have my ED I would have bought the T15 on the spot"!

But he also was very clear in stating that the voicing of the T15 is quite different on both
channels versus the ED! The ED has its own unique voicing which is evident by the
overwhelming success and reception that it has received! The gain voicings on the ED
to my ears are a little more VINTAGE VOICED versus the more traditional British voicing
of channel 1 and the "Marshall vibe on H1 and Boogie vibe on H2" on channel 2 of the

I am confident that you could cover anything with an ELECTRADYNE and a TRANSATLANTIC and that they would actually be very complimentary to each other! You can gig anywhere
with the ED and the Transatlantic would actually cover the small venues easily and
would be fine in the larger venues or clubs with a "Microphone" stuck in front of it!

Hope this helps! The Tiny Terror and the Night Train can't compete with the versatility
of tone that the MB-T15 delivers and their "BUILD QUALITY" isn't even close! You get
what you pay for with the $899 for the LITTLE BOOGIE to all the guys that are dogging
it because of its price comparing it to the NT and TT!

For Gmanjeff- The 25 watt is as loud as any 25 watt amp I have heard!Eric Martin at Martin's Music in Memphis where I bought my Transatlantic has been selling Mesa Amps for many years and he feels strongly that the TA is absolutely giggable in the 25 watt mode and I believe in
smaller venues that you could gig with the 15 watt setting! Your 2-1X12 cabinets should prove
to be an awesome matchup with the TA15! My oversized Port City cabinet really sounds
awesome and huge with the TA15 running through it!

thanks for the detailed response mac. i am gassing bad now for a TA. I wish i could test drive one but they are no where to be found
Thanks for the replies. I really need to try one of these out as well!
Hey guys,

I was reading through the Manual for the Transatlantic last night and found
some very solid recommendations on fine-tuning the T15! The higher you
run the gain level on any of the settings on channel 1 and particularly channel
2 you want to cut back on the amount of bass dialed in! It makes a huge
difference on keeping the bottom end controlled and not getting flabby!

I am not saying that you can't add extra bass whenever you just need to
be conscious that the higer gain levels will have a tendency to let you know
if you have to much bass dialed in with the bottom end getting loose and
somewhat flabby! I commend Mesa Boogie for putting some solid effort and
thought into the "MANUAL" that comes with the Transatlantic! It is as
thorough as I have seen for any amp!I'm not saying read the entire 38
pages but the sections where the tone controls,separate voicings and
channels 1 and 2 are discussed is extremely detailed and well worth reading!

I made some very minor adjustments and the difference was immediate and
much improved over my first couple of "RUNS" through the Transatlantic!

I will concur with the "MANUAL" in that the 15 watt setting is the "Magic"
power output for the TOP-BOOST mode in channel 1! You will have to play
through the T15 firsthand to experience and appreciate the tone that you
get with the amp set like this! 25 watt sounds really good but the sweet
spot for the Top-Boost mode is definitely the 15 watt setting!

I will continue to pass on my experiences with the "LIL BOOGIE" as I spend
more time playing through it! :D



Looking forward to your impressions of the "LIL 12 lb. BOOGIE" after you
get a chance to play through it tomorrow! Remember the Bass and Treble
controls can really make a big difference on the tone of the higher gain
settings and particularly on the TOP-BOOST setting and H1 and H2 on
channel 2! Pay particular attention to the TOP-BOOST settings on channel
1 in the 15 watt mode! :D

I would play it through a 1X12 or 2X12 closed back cabinet to really get
the "MEAT AND POTATOES" out of the Transatlantic!

Thanks for the tips. I'm planning to bring my 1x12 EVThiele with me and another closed back cab with a gold label Fender speaker in it. Film at 11 :lol:


I had a Mesa Boogie 1X12 Theile cabinet with the EV in it many moons ago
and that was one "Sweet Cabinet" for sure! If you don't have a guitar
with P-90's definitely snag one at the store for a real treat to play through
the Transatlantic! My Reverend Jetstream with 3/P-90's sounds mighty good
as well as my Reverend 6 Gun (Tele pickup in Bridge and 2 single coils in middle
and neck)!My Larrivee RS-4 with Custom HB's from Larrivee really takes
"TOP GUN" for my ears with the EL-84 based Transatlantic but the
HB's in my Larrivee are meticulously designed and based on an original
57 PAF pickup so they are extremely articulate and very clear when played
clean and slightly overdriven!

Everyone will always favor one particular pickup in an amp to the other

Mac and Everyone else,

Well, I tried out the TA today and it is one nice amp!! Cute factor out the kazoo. Sound great with the Les Paul, Strat, and a Tele (man I need to snag a Tele bad!). What impressed me most was how usable all of the voicings were. I easily dialed in a chimey, but slightly crispy channel one and a good old Fender-y clean on the second channel. Crank it up and yes, it sounds like a cranked tweedy Fender. The Marshall voicing was good too, but no one will confuse it for a JCM800. The "typical" Boogie voicing sounded thin to me, but still got the signature Boogie Vibe. I very much like the top boost voicing (Holy Tom Petty!). Two complaints (just my two cents) 1. I miss the reverb, but then I guess the lunchbox size would suffer and 2. Only one 8 ohm speak jack. If I want to use both of my Boogie 1x12 cabs, I'll have to wire in a second jack into one of them. No major biggie. It sounds loud enough to gig with, but I would like to field test it.

So that's my experience with the TA. After checking out the competition (i.e. the Nighttrain, Tiny Terror, and the Egnaters), I think the TA beats them all in the bang for the buck category, but at a slightly higher price point. FWIW, no, I did not buy it today since I need to sell my Egnater Renegade 65 head and matching 2x12 cab (shameless plug) first. :mrgreen:


I new you would like what you heard when you got a chance to
try out the TA-15! Matt you still need to play a P-90 based
guitar through the Transatlantic cause theirs just something
special about the output of P-90's played thru this amp!

I played mine for about an hour today with my Larrivee RS-4
and as I already stated the 15 watt setting in the TOP-BOOST
mode is just "SWEET"! But today when I was playing with those
settings with the HB based Larrivee I decided to kick it up a
notch and flipped the power on up to the 25 watt setting and
man what an awesome tone I got with the gain control at only
about 12 o'clock I had the Fattest,punchiest clean tone with just
a hint of overdrive from the RS-4 that really put a huge smile on
my face! :D

This amp is so versatile that it really doesn't warrant to have
the Night Train or Tiny Terror compared to it at all!

My Port City Oversized 1X12 Cabinet is an incredible match for
the "Lil 12LB. Boogie"! 8)


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