Transatlantic - 2nd Gig Impressions (Speakers, Efx etc)

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2007
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Sayre, PA
Hello Again Everyone!

So I gigged again with the TA-15 last night (both channels at 15 watts) in a small bar. I replaced the OEM Fender Eminence Legend speaker in my 1x12 cab with an Eminence Swamp Thang and it was freaking LOUD !! I was running the Vox channel in MV mode at about 9:30AM and Channel two between 10-Noon depending on the voicing (higher for Tweed, much lower for H1, and in between for H2). This gig, I also tried running a Boss '63 Fender Reverb pedal, with all controls at about 9AM, and unfortunately, it did not sound good, especially when any OD was kicked in (from a pedal or the amp).

The biggest tricks with the TA-15 (thus far) seem to be having the "correct" order of the pedals and being conservative with the effects levels on the time-based effects (i.e. chorus and delay). This worked reasonably well ("good enough") with the TA-15 when I have used it, but it was "a second banana" option compared to having an efx loop. I also had contacted Monsta-Tone (Andy Turner) and the Boogie guys to inquire about the possibility of adding a simple insert loop, but it was a no-go due to 1. lack of space to put it and 2. the need to add a tube stage to run it. So, no dice there. The only crazy idea that came to mind was to run a sort of stereo set-up (say using a stereo DDL or chorus pedal) with a dry feed going to the TA-15 and a wet feed going to a powered cab or a second amp. This has PIA++ written all over it and mega overkill for playing bars! :lol:

Anyway, as much as I like the TA-15 and it's variety of great tones, the lack of an effects loop/reverb is starting to look like a deal breaker for me. Nonetheless, I stand by my previous praises of the TA-15's sounds across the board. You may find that in a live situation, and as I discovered last night, depending on the speaker one uses, that you might need to tweak levels between songs, for example, if you had been using the Tweed voicing on one song, but needed the Marshall voicing on the next one. Also, FWIW, to my ears, the Swamp Thang sounded pretty close to the EVM12L in my Thiele, but did not have the projected bottom end, which I chalk up to the properties of the Thiele cab design vs. a more traditional rectangular closed back cab.

For gigging, I picked up a used minty Express 5:50 head today at GC and plan to do some A-B comparisons with the TA before I decide whether or not to sell it (I can't keep both - the wife will divorce me or worse :twisted: :shock: ). For me, the Express is a practical middle ground (I have had one before). No, I do not have any delusions that it will give me the Top Boost Sparkle/Grit or the H1 Marshall vibe. If I need a Marshall sound that badly, I just bring my Monsta-Tone custom built 36 watt Plexi head and another cab (and catch Hell from my bandmates for bring too much gear to our gigs :lol: ).

Nonetheless, the TA-15 is a GREAT sounding little amp and the "grab and go" quality is perfect. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any other questions.

My only problem all along with the Transatlantic was lack of an fx loop. I had a VOX Night Train which sounded great but no fx loop and no reverb was the deal breaker for me. Im looking for a nice used Express 5:25 1x10 or head. You are right though, there will be no top boost sparkle but thats better than not being able to have any time based fx including reverb! I was really disappointed about the fx loop because a brand new Mesa for under 1 grand brand new had me VERY interested!!
Matt, do you plan to try other time-delay pedals, to see if you can get a better sound in front of the amp with something other than the specific reverb pedal you used? I have Analogman chorus and delay pedals, and wonder whether they might work better for any reason.
Hi Jeff,

I did try using a Boss DD3 in front and it wasn't much better than the Boss FRV pedal. Actually at this stage of the game I'm most likely going to bypass the TA altogether. Since I had last posted, it developed another problem (master vol on channel 1 would not get louder past 12 Noon and the tone became "honky" - no longer Voxy). Two problems in less than 30 days is leading me to believe that the TA isn't quite ready for prime time or that I got a lemon. The reverb/EFX loop issue is another factor against the TA. I'll be talking to my Sweetwater guy sometime today and discuss options. However, when it is/was working, it sounded killer!!

Well, after talking with my sales engineer at Sweetwater, I decided to try another TA-15 and ship the defective one back. Time will tell if the no reverb/efx loop breaks the deal. Film at 11..... :lol:

I use an F30 for most pub gigs with mostly T-Rex pedals in front and another delay in the Fx loop.
I am really thinking of trading in my hardly used stiletto ace head and 4x12 rectifier cabinet for one of these Transatlantic heads and a 1x12 cabinet.
Has anyone A/B'd the F30 with the Transatlantic?
I cant be bothered lugging the Ace and the 4x12 hence the F30 works for me. Is the Transatlantic too similar to the F30 to make it worthwhile having one?

Speaking from experience, if you are used to having (and using) an efx loop, the TA may be a strange adjustment for you to make. It has been for me so far, but YMMV.

I tried the TA again, maybe for the 4th or 5th time. Ended up getting a Zinky Blue Velvet 25 used for 1/2 the price of a TA and cab. I think Mesa really missed the boat on the TA with not having a loop. So what that it looks like a lunch box with a chicken wire top and a blue light inside. As cool as that is..... I got over the 'cool lunch box' phase in 3rd grade. Somewhat of a letdown. The little Zinky spanked it, and has a loop and nice reverb. IF I could have found a used Express 5:25 now that would have been a different story. Oh well, there are plenty of other great Mesa amps.
Hi Everyone,

Well, after having a pair of TA-15s (one was defective, the 2nd AOK) for close to a month and using it for several gigs, I found that the lack of reverb and an EFX loop were deal breakers for me, so back it is going to Sweetwater. I tried a Boss FRV Fender Reverb Pedal and an EH nano Holy Grail in front and it just didn't work well when any of the OD voices were used. Clean it was OK. Despite this, I think that it is a killer little amp with great sounding tones! Perfect for recording work. Live, it was fairly good, but I found myself switching channel voicings multiple times depending on the song that we were playing (ex. AC15 TB for Tom Petty stuff, Classic Mesa HG for Santana, etc.).

So it's back to the drawing board to find the "perfect gigging amp" (yeah right :roll: :lol: ). Maybe an F-30 or a DC-3; then again, the idea of a Blue Angel/Subway Blues or even (heaven forbid) a Fender Deluxe Reverb with a few good OD pedals might be in the cards. Who knows? Maybe I just need some good psychotherapy......... :mrgreen:

Hi Andy!

Plexi is holding up AOK! I was using it last night, along with the Twin and an A/B box. I'm digging the combination. I also hurt my shoulder a couple of weeks ago lifting the **** Twin up a few stairs (like a dumb ***, one-handed). Gotta find something lighter; maybe a Smokey amp :lol: ! Once I get my rig sorted out, I give you a call (pm me your new phone #). Take care!

I have recently got the TransAtlantic and I found a good reverb pedal here:
Very simple and flexible. I have a fender twin as well and I must say that at a blind test it would be difficult to tell which is which. Check out the youtube demos.

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