tranny serial's..

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Newcastle , Australia
i had to pull my mk out of it's rack mount the other day and i notice some werid ( to me ) serial number's on the output and power transformer's..

power.. 561110/Ela606-122


does that sound normal..

Thanks TOm
Looks like a pair of 1991 transformers. The 561110 is the export power and the 562004 is the MK IV and later MK III Simul-Class.

The earliest schematic I have is 8/92 where the export power transformer
is 561137. Your's may be the original part number for a 91.
well. it's out of my 7/91 mk iv...BUt it's running US power and there is no other coil tap..wats the export power transformer feature?...

thanks tom
i took it to a tech who had a look and said there were tap's but the schematic for it said it was for the tweed power..?? i was a little funny about that becasue aren't the tween tap's wired in?

i would love to run it AUS 240v...can it be done?..


Thanks BB tom..
The MK IV's use same power transformer used on the DR's and Tremoverbs.Most of them have a 5V rectifier heater tap that is taped off and not used.

I still have not found any Mesa PT with that part number. If it were an export, it would have at least 4 to 6 taps, or just one @ 240V. Mesa really stopped using the switchable export with the 6 taps with the MK III.
no..i got it from the US ...i wanted a mk iv A....and i only got it earlyer this year...i run a steed 240v to 120v power converter....

yeah...thanks TOM