Trading Dual Rec for Mark IV

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
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Hi everyone, I apologize if this has been recently posted. I couldn't find a similar thread as of late.

I have a trade proposition. Someone wants to trade their Mark IV for my Dual Rectifier. As far as this being a fair trade...I seem to feel that it is. On Ebay it seems that both amps could potentially be sold for around the same price. Although I don't know how the resale value holds up for the IV vs. the Rec.

My Rec is a 2008 3 Channel while his is a 1992 IV. Obviously, the year difference is pretty significant, but this might not even be a factor.

Finally, as far as the amp itself is concerned. I've heard that the fizz coming from a Rec cannot be replicated on a IV, because they simply have different voicings. How true is this? I'm also curious about an issue with the volume knob. A buddy of mine owns a couple IV's and his volume knob is VERY touchy. One small bump and your ears are done. Is this intrinsically how the IVs operate?

That's a deal..Do it! ASAP! Ask questions later. :lol:

All joking aside, the Mark Series hold their value well. If it was a 2-channel Rec ( which still appear to be the ones most want), then it may be a little different-- but 3-channels are plentiful.

The fizz, nor the sag of the Rec CAN NOT be replicated with the Mark IV-which I feel is a good thing. The Mark IV is ultra tight and compressed (way more smooth) but can still get extremely aggressive. Different voicing and a totally different beast. Way more versatile (with GEQ,Simul-class,push/pull knobs,etc) as well. Correct on the 'master' knob--a slight raise and it'll blow the roof off! With Simul-Class in Class A mode ( athough still loud), you can tame it down to bedroom volume no problem, or you can also take it down controlling your your 'Output Level'.

Lots of options. Again, I would jump right on that.

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