Trade my mark iv for a triaxis?

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Jan 20, 2010
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So here's my quandry...I want to add an effects processor to my rig but it is proving to be quite costly to get it done and have the capabilities I'm wanting. See as you all know the mark iv doesnt have midi channel switching and very few pedal controllers offer trs switching functions and the ones that do dont have enough. I have considered the voodoo lab control switcher and it would do the job BUT...
the setup i want is the digitech 1101 and pedal retail $750ish voodoo lab control $149 so $900 plus cables. So lets round to $1000.
I have seen the 1101 and pedal combo on ebay for $500-$600 so maybe I could do it for a little less.

Or sell my mark iva for $1200 maybe get a triaxis on ebay for $800-$900 and just the 1101 and pedal combo. Maybe only come out of pocket $200-$300.

I have no experience with the Triaxis so what is the trade off? I love my mark iv. I've had it for 10+ years.
Any thoughts?
yeah I have a couple already. Not great ones and I will definatley upgrade later.
I would love to build a Triaxis rig, personally, but you don't really get the full effect without a 2:90 to fine tune the power amps modes. I heard the most convincing IIC+ Triaxis sound on some guys Erotomania Youtube cover. No way he would have been able to pull it off with my Mosvalve though...just saying.

Gonna sound like that with whichever amps your running? Just playing devils advocate here. I had to add my Mosvalve for extra juice to my 60 watter live rig and I STILL want a 2:90. I just bought it because it was $150 8)

Other than that, i'd say it's your call. The triaxis is pretty super versatile...maybe a little less "intimate" without knobs to turn.
Well I havent made up my mind yet so I'll keep looking around for other solutions. I would love to have a triaxis but I just dont think I can part with my mark iv. She needs a tune up but thats another story. Thanks for the input.
I had a triaxis and a fifty/fifty power amp, and I sold it because it wasn't able to do the tones of either my c+ and III and IV. It's in the neighborhood, but when you're able to A/B them, it's not close enough. I have not played enough with a 2:90 power amp though, but having the triaxis connected to my FX return on my C+ didn't do it for me. I am not saying the triaxis sounds bad, just that the original sounds better.
So if you love the tone of your MKIV, keep it, and save some money, and get a triaxis as well.

On the bright side, building a rack rig with FX unit, the triaxis is VERY versatile. And you can experiment with different preamp tubes to get it to sound as good as you want.
Ive been looking around more and I think I have a solution that will make me very happy!
The Gmajor 2 has an amp switching relay that can potentially control 3 channels on the mark iv(still looking into that one) even if it can only do two Im looking at the behringer(cringe) fcb1010 that has 2 swithching relays as well. Since I can assign all of them sounds to me like I have all I need to control the iv. I dont need to switch the eq on and off because I rarely if ever turn it off so I need only 4 switches. R1 R2 Ld and loop, which i guess i wont really need either as I will probably always have it on and just create a dry patch if I need.
:D :D :D :D

If im missing some technical data let me know but right now Im pretty excited and I think this will work.

I read your post, and I have a few questions for you ...I also have a mesa mark IV, but I du not have G major. I have a tc nova system. Is it possible to control in the same time tc nova and my mark IV ( R1, R2 and Lead Chanel) with the behringer fbc 1010?? Also i would like to know is it possible to controlling volume parameter with first one pedal of behringer and whammy effect with second?? I apologize if my English not so well and thanks in advance!!! :)
I went from a Triaxis/2:90 rig to a Mark IV head. The Tri is hands down the best preamp out there. It does everything. Stereo, midi, 4 amp switching relays, stereo fx loop, recording outs, and I found a use for all 8 modes (even LD1 Red).
I prefer the Mark IV though due to it being simpler, lighter, more studio friendly (only because of the GEQ), and it was a Mark IV :wink: .
Consider that for an extra $150 or so you can get a midi controlled switching system for your Mark IV, you then will have a Simul-Class power amp already, you can run triode/pentode still, you can run the GSP1101 with the 4CM so you will have any combo of tone you want.
You'd probably be money ahead to stay with the head and it would be a better quality rig out of the box compared to getting a tri and saving for an expensive power amp.
I used to control a Mk iva with a g-major. I found that you only need 2 switches for the 3 channels because the Boogie defaults to lead when both R1 and R2 are switched off. I just plugged into R1 and R2 with a stereo to two mono jack cable from the g-major. If you can do without the loop bypass, which I found I could because you can easily make a patch on the g-major with all effects off and its very transparent, then you can do all the channels just from the g-major. You may want to try it out to see if yours works the same way.
I found that g-major gives more solutions then tc nova system, which I have... Maybe I will sell my nova system and buy g-major or GSP1101. Thanks for replies... cheers!!! :D