Trade a mark iv medium head for a egnater tourmaster? smart?

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Ben Gregory

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
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Hey! How goes it?

I have been offered a Egnater tourmaster, vox night train and a 212 cab in exchange for my mark iv head. I do not play it as much since I have a mark V, and I figure it would be nice to have some other amps. Is this a good trade? What would you advise? I just do not want to regret getting rid of the iv. Thanks!
I believe that it may be a custom (possibly hand built) cab, but i think it would be a fair trade with the egnater and night train alone.
I dont like the tourmaster at all.... it's not put together well and it has way too many bells and whistles to be true IMO but whatever makes you happy
In my opinion of owning a Mark IV, I have to admit I would never touch it if I had a Mark V! I have a hard time letting go of things, but it really doesn't make sense to hold on to something that you never touch. Egnater amps have a lot of really cool features, and Bruce seems to be the real deal. HIs amps, however, are manufactured in China, so just keep in mind that it wouldn't be Mesa quality.
konstantine RK said:
I dont like the tourmaster at all.... it's not put together well and it has way too many bells and whistles to be true IMO but whatever makes you happy

sorry to be a noob here, but what does IMO stand for?

i like my iv, sounds good, but it seems that the selling point for getting a mark iv was the lead channel. Channel one and two have decent cleans and gains but the lead channel is what I got it for. However, the mark v has a amazing clean channel, an extremely versatile channel two, and the lead can be a IIc+ or a iv. Therefore it is superior to the iv in my book. however, one thing I do enjoy doing (on occasion) is using an aby between the two. i get some sweet blends, but I figure the tourmaster would add an entirely different sound to the mix. Thanks for all of your thoughts so far!
Forum Acronyms for Dummies:
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my honest opinion
YMMV - your mileage may vary
BTW = btw
LOL = laugh out loud
MPG = mileage per gallon
VAT = value added tax
PBS = public broadcasting station

Ok, so I was a smart *** with the last few, but those are probably the most common acronyms on the board. There are lots of times when people use one that I don't know, but if I put it in the context of the sentence, the meaning is usually pretty straightforward.

Cheers! :mrgreen:
I guess dollar wise its a good trade. Youd be making a killing. But "IMO" (lol) :wink: I dont like either of those amps at all. Unless you primarily play blues and light rock they are probably no the amps for you. The Eg and Vox have gain but they are not tight especially when compared to the IV
After owning an Egnater tourmaster for a year, I can say, unless flipping them is your main goal, go for it.

The tourmaster is NOT a mesa. Not because of build quality, but simply voicing and ease to get sounds. The Egnater seemed more compressed and more conservative than any mesa I've tried. You couldnt really get any bad sounds and most would come out so perfect and pristine it was like using a Line 6. Too perfect....

The quality is another issue that needs to be addressed. JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING IS MADE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY DOESNT MEAN IT'S CRAP! I took mine apart to inspect it and I was quite surprised when I found high quality film capacitors, over spec'd resisitors and very nice looking PCBs that were solidly mounted. The amp is built VERY solidly and even uses thicker wood than my new Mark IV. The way electronics are built is the PCB is populated with parts and the whole thing goes into a wave solder bath. Whether people standing around the machine pushing the button speak English, Chinese, or Piglatin hardly makes a difference. Hell that machine was probably designed and built in the US anyway, or vice versa!

Overall, its a Marshall/5150 with all the bells and whistles and a leash. Its a good well trained dog that wont ever bite back or misbehave.

Oh and the power scaling does nothing. Nothing. I looked on the schematic they sent me and couldnt find those switches anywhere. Dont get it thinking itll be a good recording amp!
I think the Tourmaster is a POS. The one experience I had with that amp was not desirable... those amps have so many void warranty pitfalls on them that you could literally be without service for peeling off certain stickers.

Plus the GC salesman was a real PITA. Never start a pitch with "how fast do you want to move on this"?

I still am reeling the effects of buying a Randall RM100.

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