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lesterpaul said:

here you go..getyou some of this 210 mph beeeeotch! that's a stairway to heaven!
...the last pic is an aerial view of our "saferoom"...a hallway bathroom...the top fell in on me, but I'm drinking a cold one right now!!and my kids are singing "Rosanna"...we are Lukather fans,baby!

holy shnikees!! you were in there when this went down? thank god you guys are ok. looks like a few screen doors and some skylights, and back in business... are you gonna have pretty much the same house built there again?

yep...we were in there
this is the location known as tornado alley(I think my next band will be called the EF-5's)...
good question on rebuild-that will take a loooong time-gonna see how insurance pans out...might just buy another house/one that has basement/saferoom fer damn sure!
JOEY B. said:
Kahloomadoom!!!!!!!! Spell check does not seem to work on this one (inside joke).
haaaa!!!!!good one!!!
this vid from the prison....exactly what it looked like from my front window, but muchhhhhhhhhhh closer view

another view...same damn satanado

THIS IS THE EF-5 THAT HIT MY HOUSE-DAMN-first i have still shakes me up..damn

warning-this is a tornado in the deep south-might sound a little "red" if'n you know what I mean...!
jay said:
Let us know when your moving to Park st. so we can help.

thanks jay-looks like we are getting a rental in east next week sooner than we expected,so we are just going to hang here until next thurs i guess...we dont know what we are going to do ,really...are you still working those long days?was gonna call, but i figured you might be hard at it like the guys around athens
get this-my LP Classic was in its case...I pulled it out because the case was sat in the sun a while the day after the hit, and I just got it back yesterday(friend was keeping it)..those snot green inlays have turned a smokey greyish black...weird
if my other lp isnt repairable,Im gonna have tommy s take the inlays out of that neck and put them in the classic if possible...these repairs are gonna take a while,just glad I have a "while" to spare
A tornado hit NE Minneapolis today just blocks from where we rehearse. I was driving through that area after rehearsals today and it was pretty bad. I noticed that all of the signage was missing and a lot of trees were uprooted. It's like 8 blocks of pure devastation then everything is completely normal.

I'm still checking with friends and family, but I'm ok and everyone in the band is ok though. Not as bad as the north Alabama incident, but still pretty scary.
man, these things are the devil
-its still like a warzone here-i have inet at work, but not at new rental advice for anyone going thru this is patience, and lots of it-its a loooong process...and a good sense of humor doesn't well as a good pair of shoes
ok...I can't make this stuff up-we got hit with some heavy straight line winds at the place we are renting now...power out for hours/trees down/fences down/street signs bent
got cable tv yesterday I am watching the weather on tv, power goes freakout/I knew it wasnt going to be a tornado...or at least not anything like we were hit with a month ago, but was bad scary-
-its like these damn things are following me..I get it now..time to move to Arizona,right?
jay and Joey: look out-i'm gonna come visit ya'll so maybe this sh*t will hopefully rub off on you guys!!!limestone county has had enough! :shock: :twisted:
Man, it just won't let up on you.

If we read about you building a bomb shelter and an ark we'll understand why.

Stay safe down there LP!
'naders!!!!!!!I've called em a bunch of other names,too :) will try to call you cats soon-its a little wild around the new, I can hear the pa system from the prison loud and clear :shock: not too bad,compared to the sound of wind!