Tone test. clip link inside

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2006
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Hi guys, once again i've decided to make some tests, lol.

I recorded with 2 mics simultaneously: shure beta 57 and shure SM57
over a green day backing track, I think it sound like the original.
It has 2 tracks panned hard left/right. The link is:

Sorry for my mistakes over the song. lol.
Tell me what ya think about the tone.
bye now.
really like the tone, maybe just a bit more distorted than the original but very very close! not bad the last greenday cd compared to the others, althought i'm still a dookie fan!
so in the end you have two identical tracks hard left and two hard right (one per mic)?
The amp is my dual rectifier; guitar is my telecaster.

This time I mixed the sound of both mics in each track, so It's really a 4 track sound:

(2tracks) Left: Beta 57 + Sm57
(2tracks) Right: same as left.

mic placement: both mics on the edge pointing to the center.
I think they complement each other (the mics).
Glad you guys liked it.
Open for more opinions.
Just for clarification, the mics are at the grill, with the ends of each at the edges of the speaker, pointed directly at the middle?
Mic Placement:

I guess I prefer the beta, but now that I've made this recording I think I vote on the 2 together. lol. In my experience:

Beta: it's more defined, it's very good for vocals, on guitar it lack a bit of bass, good treble.

SM: I haven't tested it on vocals so I dont really know, but on guitar it has good bass, and lacks treble.

So I guess they complement each other in a way.
I haven't got a SM57 (its borrowed), but I guess I will end it buying one.
But if I had to choose between the two, I guess I would go for the beta.

Hope it helps.
Here it goes....

Have fun...
i like your tone. i think that using two mics at the same time is very useable. but this is just my opinion.
my "dream" mic (for recording guitar tracks) would be a condenser microphone w/ cardioid characteristic. but i wont be able to buy one in the near future. :shock: