Tone Quest - Need Help

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for a channel 3 tone that has a darker quality, where the notes will sound clean/clear when picked separately or played in an open chord. I guess the sound would be something similar to Jerry Cantrell's Black Gives way To Blue. I understand he uses modded amps and bogners, etc... but I was wondering if anyone could help me get close. I use a Les Paul Traditional with 57 classics. No overdrive.

"clear low end with a lot of growl that doesn’t come at the cost of definition"

Thanks in advance.
APEMAN said:

as long as you search in CH3 I would suggest to turn the bright off in a lower gain extreme mode setting...


You will find a similar Jerry Cantrell sound in CH2 with gain-cranked crunch mode (try to use the EQ-preset[!] at about noon - I don't know why, but I can't get the same tone with the EQ-sliders and it sounds much more organic to me).

[The Bogners he used on this record - especially the XTC - sound wicked. And when I heard it live it sounded even better! It's more a far open recto type of sound.]

Yeah I agree with you APEMAN. Definitely agree with you on the EQ comment for Channel 2, the Preset seems to work much much better.

Speaking from my own experience, I find Extreme Mode to be a bit stiff at times, good for certain things, but for an AIC sound I think it would be to stiff. Cantrell's tone changes pretty drastically to me at least, almost on a song by song basis, but I think there is always a signature relaxed quality to his tones.

Personally, I think Channel 2 would be much more suited to a JC type tone, Crunch would probably work like Apeman said, specifically for a Black Gives Way to Blue tone. But you might even consider Mark I Mode for songs from the rest of their catalog. Roll the bass back and just try and focus it a bit. Rolling the bass back and turning the amp up a bit, can really help get rid of that blanket on Mark I mode, and I think you'll find a bit more of an open and organic tone somewhere in there. I'll mess with it myself actually and check back in here in the next couple days. Good Luck and keep us updated.
Thanks guys. I'm going to try CH2 and see what I can get using the preset EQ. If I come up with anything, I'll post it here.
I'd try playing with both the power and tube settings before giving up on Ch 3.

Maybe try 45 watt to get rid of some low end and Triode mode to give it a bit more sag. Maybe even try it in Vaiac power. Bogners can be squishy, so this may get you closer. Try a mid gain setting and EQ it to taste.
Hi guys. I've been searching real hard and really haven't found much for chains tone settings using markV head. Have any on you guys posted an pics? I'm also using crunch and preset as well. But curious what your channel EQ settings are along with preset. As for lead channel I'm stumped. I thought I dialed in a good tone using c+II but band said no, to muddy and didn't cut. Any suggestions?