Tone in my 50/50

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Sep 8, 2008
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Las Vegas for now.. originally (el valle Texas)
If I changed out the 6L6 tubes and the (2) 12AX7 driver tubes will I actually hear a difference in my tone, drive or both?
By the way I have a triaxis with new electro harmonics? Thinking of getting either jj or mullard..don't know yet..I'm still reading all of the posts.
I still don't think I'm getting the drive I should be getting. With Dimarzio D activators and the setup I don't know why harmonics are few far and in between.
I found this somewhere else on the net:

My 50/50 has sovtecs in it. They sound ok but but I want to get a bigger thicker tone. So I talked to Bob at Eurotubes and he said this......

Hi Nick:

These amps will not get an early breakup, they will make right at 45 to 50
watts per side before saturation sets in so what we do with these is go for
the big fat warm tone and then you can get your drive from what ever preamp
you're using.

Anyway, the 50/50 Mesa's are fixed bias at a pretty cold setting so any
matched quad of 6L6 type tubes including the JJ Electronic 6L6GC's are just
plug and play and in the newer 50/50's you can also use EL34's and my
favorite is the JJ E34L's. The JJ E34L's provide a deeper low end and are
more aggressive and punchy than an EL34 not to mention that the E34L is
tighter and the difference in where they break up is only about 1/4 of a
decibel. Because of the cold setting I would go with a hotter quad of power
tubes which will match up nicely, and three of the JJ ECC83S preamp tubes
that are matched and balanced for the 50/50 because these are used for phase
inverters and a stereo driver. The JJ's have a very deep tight low end, a
natural harmonically rich mid and a smooth sweet high end with a nice
sparkle that's not brittle.
A full retube with a matched quad of the JJ 6L6GC's and three ECC83S's
matched and balanced for the driver and phase inverter's would run 89.00 or
a quad of the E34L's and the same preamp tubes would run 78.00 and I can
ship and insure either order by Priority mail for 6.00