Today I was change tubes on DR

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2006
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I was replace original mesa tubes with the new JJ tubes

4x 6L6GC quartet matched
V1,V2,V3 high gain

Im very very desepoind on this configuariton

1. Amp has LESS power than original mesa tubes almoust half power.
2. The sound is no more killer its like marshall with some distortion pedal

I need some yours opinion
No at all. Its sounding half better than original mesa tubes :x
I spent 160$ for nothing :evil: :evil: :evil:
Did you buy them from Eurotubes?Where they supposed to be matched to your amps bias?If so I would contact them and see if they'll give you new ones.If not, I would think they are not properly biased in your amp.
So is it safe to assume you did not get them graded to match your amp?Without seeing the amp i gotta think it is either a bias problem or maybe you have a couple of bad tubes.Try putting your old power tubes back in with all the other new tubes and see if it improves.If you still have low power then try the rectifier tubes.
hey dude, there are a lot of threads about it, there are a lot of artist that speaks about it, everybody are mounting =C= tubes, jj are great, but in rock tones the favourite of 9 of 10 guitarrist are the SED tubes.
All I could say about them is that they are so clean, so loud and very linearity, get a friend with SED tubes and test them, they are real amazing
stokes said:
So is it safe to assume you did not get them graded to match your amp?Without seeing the amp i gotta think it is either a bias problem or maybe you have a couple of bad tubes.Try putting your old power tubes back in with all the other new tubes and see if it improves.If you still have low power then try the rectifier tubes.

I replaced all old mesa tube. I dont now and I dont understend what is going now. The amp not working like before. Amp has stil less power. It is possible that I have made some damage? I need some advice please.
I have made some different tube replacement
O=empty socket
X = full socket (6l6gc)
R= rectifier

1. _ O R _ X O O X_
2. _ R O _ O X X O_
3. _ R R _ X X X X_

The all combination sounding equal. Amp has same power. Whats it wrong on my amp? Before is amp worked at 12 oclock like thunder. Now working on the same volume like a cube 30

Its possible that I made same bad replacement 12ax7tube on V1,V2,V3,V4 and V5 socket?
The only thing as far as misplacing the tubes would be between the rectifiers and power tubes.The preamp are all 12AX7's so you couldnt mix them up.If you put all the tubes in the right sockets you shouldnt have damaged anything unless the new power tubes were biased so hot they shorted something else, perhaps a screen resistor.
Yesterday my new JJ tubes arrived. I've ordered 3 high gain for V1 V2 V3 and 1 balanced 12ax7 for V5 as phase inverter, as suggested by Bob himself for my Road King II.
I already changed pre-amp tubes in the past but I don't know what phase inverter means. Do I just have to replace the tubes as usual and...that's it?! There shouldn't be any particular problems in replacing the pre tubes. Or do I miss something? Tofisi, you scared me! :D
I can relate to what you mean about the power situation after a JJ retube.I was all into JJs at first now Im not so enthused.I found out that the 6l6 JJ run much cooler than other 6l6s, I liked the JJs a hair better than stock and they're not bad tubes-ya get what you pay for,sorta.I switched to =c=6l6 and really like the clarity and punch. They seem to have more power also.In my opinion JJ high gains were usesless-I gave them away.Im runnin tungsol--V1 GT12x7M--V2 Tungsol V3 thru V5 and Jan 5751 balanced for inverter.Im really diggin this setup.I highly reccomend runnin the 5751 in the phase inverter.It cleaned my Roadster up in a great way, channells 3+4 are much more defined and more versatile.My clean channel was already incredible and now it super full and not harsh at high volumes--right on!I not knockin anyone elses setup just statin whats worked for me.I do like the JJKT77s.The Ecc83s are descent in the right position when theyre in the right spot,maximum one per setup.I didnt notice large amount of power loss with the JJs just fullness and clarity. Also the 5751 really brought out my reverb again, when I switched tubes from stock it seemed like my reverb was not as deep especially the JJs, now dudes its where Ive always wanted it. Good luck and keep on rocking!!
DrViosy,The phase inverter is actually part of your power section,although it is a 12AX7 just like the rest of your preamp.So even if you didnt put the balanced tube in V5 you wont mess anything up,you can mix all the 12AX7's in any of the 5 different 9pin sockets,it wont hurt anything,in fact you can mix these around to see if one line up sounds better than the other.The balanced 12AX7 is supposed to be used in the phase inverter,it is supposed to drive the two sides of the output evenly,but I would bet if you try it in V3 and put v3 tube in the V5 position you wont notice any big difference.
not so sure that Eurotubes gives the best advice

I ordered the GZ34's/6V6/high gain pre-amp otion for around $160
assured that it was a great match for any Dual Rec (Roadster here)
ran in EL34 Bias (as sugggested)


burned screen resistor, 1 set bad I/O tubes, 2 bad pre-amp tubes
funny noises all over the place

so after nearly 3 months of passing it back and forth to have it serviced
it finally work right again, and I won't be doing any tube swapping again
any time soon....thank god for Mesa's top notch warranty...lesson learned
Dude thats heavy man .But your right be very careful what bob suggests.He doesnt have a Roadster so how would he really know what its all about.I went through a blown fuse and some noise issues.I swithched back to 6l6s but still have the GZs and it works fine.I would be extremely careful with any tube change with the newer Mesa amps.I play out and cant afford the wait of my amp being out for it covers some much ground for me.Sorry to hear that happened at least its over and I learned a lesson from your post.
You can never be sure how a tube is going to operate in a given circuit unless you try it in the circuit it is being used in.These tube vendors,including Mesa do a decent job of matching tubes to a given circuit,but its not precise and there is a certain amount of latitude taken.Even if I was to use this system,I would not be comfortable unless I checked the bias,and if I check the bias I am going to want to reset it.Matty,what happened to you is not just a case of Eurotubes not giving the best advice they can,but if they cant measure your amp the advice is an estimate,which is the best they can do.Although it is rare enough that they can sell tubes in this manner and feel fairly secure they are selling a safe product, what happened to you is always a chance you take not checking and setting the bias with each tube change.Even if the tubes fall into the right or safe range they wont always be at the best setting for tone and peak performance,this makes no difference to a lot of players and if using this system for your power tubes works for you,so be it,but you can go your whole life and never have a problem,but what happened to you is always possible and the reason I would never use them and I recommend putting an adjustable bias pot in any amp without it,it is an easy and inexpensive mod in any amp and you will always know your power tubes are performing at the best for your tone and the amps reliability.

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