To Tube or not to Tube

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Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Springfield, Va
That is the question.... Actually this is a bit of a setup and then a couple of questions!

So, I've got this MK IV and I've had it since it was new. I bought it back in 92 or 93. It's got the original tubes in it. Granted there were a couple of years there where I didn't play at all and it sat quietly calling me...

Now, I'm playing again and pretty regularly. The amp sounds good. But I noticed a little flubbiness in the gain the other day when I plugged it back in after a while (I've been using a Line 6 amp for a few months cause it's lighter and I've been playing small gigs and such). I noticed I had the channel levels way down and the master volume up pretty high, so I Played with the channel volumes and brought them back up and the master volume back down.

a few months ago, I noticed a big difference in channel volumes and I ended up with my clean channel maxed out and the lead channel at almost 1 just to get balance. Being the mildly intelligent individual I am, I used the spare 12ax7 that was in the chassis, sticking it in V1 (after a lot of reading and wringing of hands). That brought the balance back wonderfully!

I'm not sure, but I think I'm still missing a little bite. I don't get the clean growl of hitting an E power chord like I think it used to. I also feel like my lead channel is a little 'loose' maybe it's flubby? But my musical tastes have changed and who knows, maybe I'm just not hearing it right... Maybe I've just spent too much time away form my amp?

I'm not a metal dude. I play blues and rockabilly mostly. I do end up doing some 70's and 80's cover work with my band, but that's beside the point and not something I'm proud to admit! LOL

So here're my questions...

Is it time to do a full retube?
How about just preamp tubes or power tubes?
Will 6v6's give me a brighter shimmerier sound? EL84's?

I'm so confused and my brain hurts trying to work it all out.

Thanks in advance guys,
I'm not sure about which tubes to use but I had the same experience with my JCM 900, bought in 91 and had the original tubes up until last year. It definitely sounds like it needs a retube.

The power tubes are probably the most worn and you might be able to get away with just changing them but I'd go for a full re-tube.
Hey dude
Ummmm... lets see
From what I've learned off this board, pre-amp tubes don't usually need to be changed unless they have magically stuffed up or if you want to try a different brand.
As for power tubes I think personally 2ish years if you play regularly but always keep spares XD
6V6 are better for shimmery cleans instead of EL84's also
*Correct me if I'm wrong guys*
Axis39 said:
Is it time to do a full retube?
How about just preamp tubes or power tubes?
Will 6v6's give me a brighter shimmerier sound? EL84's?

I tried Mesa 6V6s for several months and just switched back to 6L6s, finding the "V"s to make a rounder, less tight, more Fendery tone. I don't think they were brighter or "shimmerier". I like the bite and growl of the "L"s, but the V's were nice, and some prefer them.

As you probably know, the Mark IV will accept EL34's in the outside Class A sockets, not 84's. I believe you'll need some sort of adapter (Yellow Jackets?) in order to run EL84's.
dodger916 said:
Axis39 said:
Is it time to do a full retube?
How about just preamp tubes or power tubes?
Will 6v6's give me a brighter shimmerier sound? EL84's?

I tried Mesa 6V6s for several months and just switched back to 6L6s, finding the "V"s to make a rounder, less tight, more Fendery tone. I don't think they were brighter or "shimmerier". I like the bite and growl of the "L"s, but the V's were nice, and some prefer them.

As you probably know, the Mark IV will accept EL34's in the outside Class A sockets, not 84's. I believe you'll need some sort of adapter (Yellow Jackets?) in order to run EL84's.

Couldn't remember off the top of my head if it was 84's or 34's. Thanks!

Thanks so far for everyone's replies!