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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Hi everyone,

Just picked up a '98 Fly (one of my dream guitars) and have been working to get it jiving with the MkV. Being such a unique guitar it's taking me some time.

Any advice or favorite settings from some fellow Fly players?

I got a parker DF824, versatile guitar, piezo sounds great, although I had to make sure the nut fits my 10's guitar strings, still having a bit of trouble on the low e string staying in tune. bought nut sauce and it really helps to stay in tune. pick ups could be hotter on the DF824 to get that good crunch, the upside is the guitar is clearer, not sure if my experience compares to that you've got, since mine is a 2011 model and have stainless steel frets...yadii yadi...yahhh....

guitar sound great through my boogie amps, all around versatile guitar.
Hey I've been playing Parkers for about 12 years now exclusively. Mine are a hot rodded '99 Classic and a '05 Mojo. The main key to Parkers is judicially using the tone control...that is, back that thing back about to 1/2. Similarly, I'm careful with the Presence on all channels on my MkV.

Finally, there is a lot of benefit to using a line driver of some kind to kind of normalize the output ...I use a Cornish LD3.

On the MkV I use the Fat/Bold on Channel 1 ...Crunch on Channel 2 and
MkIV on Channel 3 (normal).. currently through a 1X12 Orange. You can use the piezo through channel 1, but don't push it too hard.
You were right on the money...that tone control is very powerful and needs to be backed off a good bit. Truly different from most guitars that (for my tastes, at least) need the tone all the way open when playing on the bridge pickup to get a fast, aggressive sound.

I've also found that the gEQ needs to be shaped differently...those mids jump out in different locations on a Fly. Especially with high gain.

But man do I love blending the piezos in and hitting the clean channel all the way open.

Thanks again.

Congrats on the Parker! I picked up a Fly Mojo a year ago and I can't play anything else now. We're spoiled for life. :D