Time to get my reverb fixed.

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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My reverb stopped working months ago, and I'm finally taking it to a tech tomorrow. I didn't want to part with the amp just to get the reverb fixed, especially since I use pedal reverb on channels 2 and 3. However, now that I've got a Strat, I'm more interested in using the built-in spring reverb. Also, it occurred to me that since each channel has a separate reverb level, I could just leave the reverb switch on all the time, keep the knob up high on channel 1, and keep the knobs down for channels 2 and 3 (with which I'd rather use my pedal reverb in the loop for solos).

Anyways, hopefully it will be a quick fix. The main reason I've waited this long is that I've got to go out of town, so I won't get to play it anyways.
When mine went it was a toasted JFet on the motherboard... took a week to get it fixed but haven't had a problem since...
I bought a cheap Peavey Vypyr 15 watt amp to use in the meantime (and also to take with me when I drive to visit my in-laws). For $95, it sounds surprisingly good. It has at least one good high gain, mid-gain, and clean tone, and a few of the effects are okay. The (automatic, always on) noise gate makes some funny noises itself, but it's something I can live with for a few weeks.

I have an ADA MP1, but no power amp for it. (When I use it, I was running it into the Mark V's power amp or direct recording with speaker impulses.) I tried running it into a keyboard amp, but, predictably, that sounded terrible.