This will settle the Flagship debate ...

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific Coast

sgtbaker said:
Take off the Road King and give me a 2-Channel Dual Rectifier or a TOV :wink:
I don't know why many members on this board gets the impression, => "amp with more features, is better sounding!"

With versatile amp, you spend more time searching for a particular sound. This is the trade-off.

Then you have members who is pleased with a discontinued Boogie amp and other members are trying to steer them that their amp is out-of-date, the newer model is so-called better sounding.

I just don't get it. :?
RR said:
sgtbaker said:
Take off the Road King and give me a 2-Channel Dual Rectifier or a TOV :wink:
I don't know why many members on this board gets the impression, => "amp with more features, is better sounding!"

With versatile amp, you spend more time searching for a particular sound. This is the trade-off.

Then you have members who is pleased with a discontinued Boogie amp and other members are trying to steer them that their amp is out-of-date, the newer model is so-called better sounding.

I just don't get it. :?

Personal preferences man. Remember tone is not just in the amp but mostly with your fingers
The TriAxis looks really good in a cab. That gives me an :idea:
sgtbaker said:
Take off the Road King and give me a 2-Channel Dual Rectifier or a TOV :wink:
ThunderMonkey said:
Forgot about the 2 channel Dual Rectifier ? :roll:

That is THE amp that thrust MESA into the mainstream high-gain world !
I did not have an image of the face of 2 Channel Dual Rectifier that I could work with Adobe PhotoShop. :lol:
ToneAddictJon said:
Now that's what I call an amp!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Base cost- $7599 (without roadie) $10,000 (with roadie)

Don't roadies work for beer?

cant play pool with a rop said:
Imagine troubleshootin' a problem in that

F- That! Just imagine retubing that sucker.

And last comment...

If you they will come