This is why I love owning Boogies...

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
Picked up a LSC 1x12 from a fellow board member (Thanks Pat) and with never really spending that much time with Lonestars, using only my experience with Rectos and Marks, put the dials where i thought they might sound good while the amp was warming up on standby. My buddy was plugged in and was playing while i was doing all this dialing in, i took the amp off standby and it was the most gorgeous clean I've heard EVER! Funny thing is he was playing the song Resolution by Andy Timmons and turning on the amp was like when you went to the Mesa site and that song immediately played.

Anyway I know i'm preaching to the choir but the fact that Mesa STILL has a "reputation" of not being the best at cleans with the LSC (along with the ED, Express and Mark V) in their lineup blows my mind. I just went through a month of trying every amp i could find that nails a vintage fender blackface without paying for the real deal or a hugely overpriced clone... in the end for the price point, quality of build and tone there is no amp that can match what the LSC can do.
I just picked myself up a lonestar special. I went in to the amp buying process with an open mind - actually that's not quite true: I went in thinking what I need is a fender amp because I'm moving into country/blues/rock style music. Surely, fender! Anyhow, the cleans on 'em were good but, I don't know, something about them just didn't sit right with me.

Long story short, cause you all know how it is, I went into the shop that sold Boogie. I tried an Express (I'm still not sold), I tried a Rectoverb (mmm...not quite), and then I tried the LSS and I had one of those joyous moments. Rarely in life am I sure about anything, but I knew I had to take one of these home - well... go home and save up and sell some gear, and then come back and then take one home... but worth it.

jdurso, ha ha, I've seen you lurking around the boogie board for ages. Welcome to the The Warm side. The clean warm side. :lol: Now you can do the show us your "Pig" thread, show us your pedals thread, show us your guitars thread, various mods threads & give us a clip thread. Actually...I don't think there's a clip thread yet specifically for Lonestars :shock: :roll: Well, anyways....glad you dig the pig.
jdurso said:
Anyway I know i'm preaching to the choir but the fact that Mesa STILL has a "reputation" of not being the best at cleans with the LSC (along with the ED, Express and Mark V) in their lineup blows my mind.

Folks who say that usually haven't played a Boogie in a very long time!
plan-x said:
jdurso, ha ha, I've seen you lurking around the boogie board for ages. Welcome to the The Warm side. The clean warm side. :lol: Now you can do the show us your "Pig" thread, show us your pedals thread, show us your guitars thread, various mods threads & give us a clip thread. Actually...I don't think there's a clip thread yet specifically for Lonestars :shock: :roll: Well, anyways....glad you dig the pig.

I would say I've been doing a little more than lurking :wink:

But yeah I've always been a Recto guy at heart and still love my Roadster. My buddy who going to be using the amp for a while is more of a fender guy so i wanted to buy a new amp and thought why not. As much as i wanted to try and go outside Mesa just to switch it up, it always came back to the LSC and Electra Dyne. What ultimately made me go LSC was his decision that he liked the LSC better. It was pretty cool just turning it on for the first time and it sounding glorious because niether of us I have every played one outside of a GC and I literally just through on the settings that work well with my Roadster's Channel 1 Clean. i just can't wait to try a few of my NOS preamp tubes in this pig... they did wonders for the Roadster, i can only imagine how they'll sound in the LSC.
Don said:
jdurso said:
Anyway I know i'm preaching to the choir but the fact that Mesa STILL has a "reputation" of not being the best at cleans with the LSC (along with the ED, Express and Mark V) in their lineup blows my mind.

Folks who say that usually haven't played a Boogie in a very long time!

Maybe so, but i have seen many guys that sware by Fenders and Fender knock offs that the LSC doesnt do a good clean. If they seriously believe that I need to hear what kind of Fender gets cleaner than the LSC becase i sure as hell havent played it. It truly is a glorious amp!
Some guys just gotta realize, Fenders have seen there day. Lets see...Twin= ice pick, Princeton= better, but to small & no fullness, Super reverb= better yet, but still got some ice pick going on there, Bandmasters & Bassmans= getting warmer w/2x12's, but still some ice pick. Deluxe/Devilles= hmmm, ain't got nothing on the LSC. The warmest ones I've owned were the Showman and Dual Showman, probably the 4x12 helped though. Had a 62' Blond Twin that wasn't to bad also. Clean w/o warmth is sterile. I believe the warmth is a major part of the mojo of the LSC. Ice pick shouldn't = clean. :wink:
Right on jdurso, welcome to the cabal. 8)

Funny, I don't know where that rep for lackluster cleans comes from... the Marks all have great cleans, and most of the rest are decent if not spectacular. The Blue Angel is supposed to be one of the best. I've heard the Nomads ruined Mesa's rep for a lot of people, so maybe that's it. But if the LS remains a relative secret, then that's cool with me. I also really like the ED clean, but it's a different beast altogether.

John, your rundown of the Fender lineage made me chuckle -- harsh, but it definitely has a (piercing) ring of truth. I have a '65 DR, and every time I plug in (which I'm doing a lot right now, while I wait for my new speaker cab) I smile because I really do think it sounds sweet -- I mean, really sweet. I guess the Fender BF/SF clean thing is about really throwing your tone out front. There is something to be said for having a really solid platform from which to jump, and they definitely provide for a lot of players (maybe most?). It has taken me a long time to figure that out, because I've been spoiled with Boogies and Marshalls for too long. But, all that being said: I'll take the tweakability and warmth of the LSC any day. How awesome is it to be able to dial that sweet clean tone just to the perfect amount of tube-based clip for *your* attack? The Presence control is really powerful too: it can put you right where you need to be in the mix, so you can be warm, but not necessarily dark. Awesome for both studio and stage. Or living room. :)
There is a recent youtube post with Foo Fighter talking about their Boogies. They say in the studio they mostly use Boogies for their cleans and on the road use them for for there overall thing.

PS Plan X you may not be happy watching this as Grohl uses his Blue Pig as a foot rest.

What keeps astounding me about this amp is that it makes certain guitars i have sound better then when i plug them into other amps. My buddy has a Mexican Strat that he's looking to upgrade (new pups, fret wire, electronics, etc) and stock through the LSC floored him. I think I've/LSC have officially turned him to the dark side :twisted:

Seriously though every time i play it i find a new tone i didnt know it was capable of. Jeez with the right boost it actually keeps up with my Roadster in terms of chugging.
Not to mention the Reverb on this amp is to die for and it seems to me to be very consistently excellent from LS to LS to LS!!!