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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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I cannot hear much of a difference between Full Power and Tweed Power.

If I want more controlable volume while still hitting the sweet spot of the amp, should I use Tweed or should I switch down to 45 watts?
If you don't mind the sound of tweed i'd say use that option. At least that way you can milk more time out of the tubes. To me, tweed is less full sounding.. but I like it for what it's good for.
i wouldn't call it tone so much as feel. the frequencies (i hear) seem to remain the same. a quick test could be if you set the amp to whatever then switch back and forth the power switch setting (putting it in standby between switching, of course).

the full power setting should be louder, but not too much different tonally. you definitely lose a bit of the headroom, especially at lower master volume settings, but maybe you're going for the raspier clipping (variac + tweed power in 10w mode, high gain, high mids, high master is pretty awesome). low end needs more power to be felt/heard by a normal human ear, so maybe that is the "tone" that you sense is changing. full power is definitely more "immediate" in response to pick attack, bass-heavy chording, etc. sometimes i feel like i have to fight more for legato fluidity when not in full power. idk if anyone else feels this way...

in an ideal world, the tone would not change by just adjusting the power setting, but it can for some. it doesn't much for me either, so i'm with you hendog.
I always play in variac mode these days, as I am just switching between 10w and 45w, but I love the way it sounds. I guess that is in part due to the small room in which I play has alot of furniture that could probably affect the sound, but I personally love the Variac setting.
it is completely safe to switch. voltages drop in the amplifier ~20%. it's not like switching a speaker cable or something. you can change the setting on the switch from reg to tweed so fast the amp never sees an 'off' position, so you're not even turning the amp off and on quickly.