"The Strip" - song in progress - MESA MARK 2B

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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"The Strip" - song in progress


a new mix, new arrangment, new tracks.

i'm thinking of changing the middle (2nd) verse, with a whole new verse, since the only verse gets repeated 3 times now.
also thinking of dropping in some 'gambling card game and party noise' during the drum/guitar boogie break in the middle.
don't know, might be too cheesy.
inspired from true events on my last trip to The Strip.

equip: taylor 414 acoustic, congas, shakers, hand claps, custom strat, mesa boogie mark2b, avatar vintage cab, ibanez mikro bass, ezd rock kit, ADK Hamburg (vox, claps, shaker), AT4033 (acoustic), A Designs Audio MP-1, ART DPS, DBX MC-6 compressor.
guitar/bass rig used:

alternate streaming from Myspace:
1st song on the player
That's pretty sweet dude... Not really my style of my music, but this sounds good! Very nice mix... I think the drums could afford to be a bit louder though, I couldn't really hear them too well. Great acoustic sound you've nailed here. Nice singing too, is this you?

Your electric work is fuckin' cool too... nice track man. Keep it comin'... paste up anything new you come up with.
hey, thanks for checking this out, even if it's not your thing!
that's cool, hell, nobody else is even checking it out.

i've got the drums pretty kicking on my krk's, what kind of system are you monitoring with?

it helps to know how this translates to different systems, i try to keep track of the different types of monitor systems to help dial in what i THINK i'm hearing on my own...

yes, i sing the vox on this one.
the acoustic, is a Taylor 414. i have to be careful with the low end on it, it's real boomy, but if i mic it well, and roll off the bottom end, it sits real nice.

thanks for listening!
I know whatcha mean re: the monitors. I find that it's helpful to try out your mixes on consumer-level speakers (IE: a boom-box or likewise) to see how they translate. Usually they are more low and high-end heavy. I often have to adjust my mixes after I listen on something other than my monitors.

As for my monitors, I'm just using some crummy M-Audio LX4 monitors, they aren't the greatest. Only 3.5" drivers on 'em. The drums themselves don't sound bad, I guess the only part where they are kinda lost is when the guitars are wailing away, like around 1:20 or so. To be honest, it's really only the snare that is lacking a bit of oomph. Maybe try raising it's level by a hair, like 2dB maybe... maybe it's just me. I like my snare to be pretty loud :twisted:

Other than that.. cool track man. I'm listening again, you have a very clean and professional sounding mix going on. Keep at it!
Yo, Gonz! I did get the CD in the mail but haven't gotten the chance to even open it yet! :lol:

I'm gonna try to throw it on later and give ya some reviewing. LOL j/k

thanks for listening.

changed the snare this weekend.
sounds much more meaty.
i added a NEW 2nd verse, and added lyrics to the funky bridge breakdown....

remixed the whole thing, made the guitars LOUDER, put a limiter across the drum buss which allowed me to make the entire send to the master buss hotter without changing the peaks (no higher than -6db EVER)
sounds much better now!

you gotta burn that thing to 320kbps mp3 and load it on that ipod!

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