The Edge setting

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2009
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Does anyone love this setting as much as I do?! I feel it's often looked over. Even with 6L6s I get an incredible crunch, and when I throw a tube screamer in front I get some great aggressive rhythm and lead tones as well. I find it to be one of the most articulate and clear tones on the V, at least when paired with the Bare Knuckle Nailbombs that are in my axe. :D Sometimes I prefer the edge + tube screamer setup over the extreme mode in ch3 (my go to rhythm mode) depending on my mood. However, it really may be the pickups, I've played with other guitars on this setting and it never got any attention.

Anyway, I was just curious if others have had great results with this setting?
I really like Edge mode. I use for my mid gain sound with the bass up and it sounds great. It responds well to my pick attack. I must say that in the band mix is where the mode shines most. IMHO
I completely agree, I really like the low end of the edge mode. IMO it's bigger (or maybe "more full" is a better description), than the modes on ch3, but that is understandable because those modes are supposed to have tighter bass response. +1 on the edge in the mix, it cuts through with ease. This is where I use it the most so it's understandable why I like it so much. I'm also able to almost duplicate the other guitarist in my band's Marshall JVM 410H tones, and I honestly like the edge sound better after A/Bing them the other night. :mrgreen:
+1 for all above...edge is just great, i push it with maxon 808 or bb preamp if i want more gain or saturation for soloing...cuts like knife in the band mix...i could also dial it very close to 1959 superlead ceriatone which i sold because of that...Key is to run the treble and bass low and ad more presence
Any chance you could post settings for that plexi-type crunch? I've fought with edge mode for a while and struggled to dial up a tone I liked with it.
I spend a lot of time living on the edge...mode :D it's one of my favorite modes. I really digg the break up you get when in 10 watt mode. You really need to dial this mode in different than most of the other modes on the amp, maybe that is why it so overlooked/misunderstood.
Based upon the posts in this thread I must be missing something fundamental. The edge mode sounds terrible with my San Dimas Charvel with a split Dimarzio Super distortion bridge pup. Whether I use single coil or double, there is a sour halo around every note and chord that is not present in any of the other modes. Any ideas as to how I can dial in an acceptable edge tone would be appreciated.
I have a love/hate thing with this mode. Sometimes it sounds good, sometimes it doesn't. I do hear that sour note thing mentioned above (glad someone else is hearing it). Another thing I noticed is that if the gain is turned up quite a bit, the bass strings become really prominent regardless of where the bass knob is set. If I want kind of a light breakup rhythm'y type of thing (ala the Hearbreakers), that is fairly easy, but beyond that, I get into trouble.
Try running a 12AT7 in V2 preamp tube slot to combat that sour halo around the note issue. Also use 45w, 4 ohm tap to help smooth this mode out as well. Treble and presence settings are crucial! Turn them both down and turn up slowly to taste.
This mode is currently my 'go-to' mode for the 1970s covers we regularly play...really nails them on the head. And oh yeah, I do use =C= EL-34s to further improve the effect - just the right mix of brightness, dirt, and grit.

Not that I'm a cork-sniffing tone purist, though - I'll just as easily use my Recto (Modern mode, heavy Gain) for the same songs, and that works too. Just a different kind of effect. It's all in the way you play...
Any ideas as to how I can dial in an acceptable edge tone would be appreciated.

I like to keep the gain at 9:30 and master at 2:30. Treble and mid around 10:30 and bass around noon. It's right on the edge of grit that can be controlled nicely with the guitar volume. I think it sounds great with single coils in the neck/mid position. Although sounds great with buckers too. I really think the key for edge is to go easy on the treble and have the low gain/high master.

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