Tell me about my Tverb.

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Fl
Hey there,

Sorry for the noob question. I know there's always various versions of Mesa amps, and whatnot. I picked up a Tverb last week, and I'm just trying to get any info on it, what year it was made, etc... if there is anything special about it (i doubt there is) .. any help would be great!



Serial R-005215

The power cable is attached as well, dunno if that matters.

Congrats on a nice amp! It's a fairly early one - someone else may know for sure but from the serial I would think probably late '94. Mine is May '94 and has a number just under 4000. There are no version changes in the Tremoverb though, as far as I know. It was born God-like and fully evolved... the one amp that Mesa has ever made that could not be improved :).

You can find out for sure if you pull the chassis - it's written on the inside in marker pen. You probably should strip it down anyway, and clean it - the amount of dust in the back is possibly a very slight risk, if it gets too far in around the power tube and rectifier tube pins it can occasionally cause shorting. Apart from that it looks to be in nice condition, at least from what you can see in the pics.

Be aware that there are known problems with the LDR switching components with these amps - not all that common but not that rare either, although the worst are with late-production models from about '99 and 2000 when Mesa got a bad batch of LDRs - and which your amp definitely isn't. Mine had a couple of dead ones when I got it though, so make sure you check all the functions, including the channel cloning. (I'm not convinced mine hasn't got a third one gone in this part, although I haven't got around to investigating properly yet.)