Tagus Amps?

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i scoured the internet for you, seeing that im a research geek, and the only thing i could come up with was a classified add listing one for sale, stating that they are made in toronoto. they were asking $2000 CAD though.
I took a quick look out there and can't seem to find much either. My gut tells me, though, that if you can't find the company, no one's heard of them, and no one's playing them, then it might be a good one to stay away from. If it breaks, then you have no one to turn to for support. If it was a collector's piece, then there would be at least some mention of the company on the web. For $2000, a person can find some really nice used amps out there, that have a traceable legacy.
Boutique amp builders come and go.

Look at Kendricks, very respectable boutique amp builder. He gave up building his own amps and is back to restoring amps. Although he does have a few models instock.

Anyone has hear of Rosk amps? Talking about a "boutique" amp builder with an attitude that never got off the ground. Basically he wrote a letter to the editors of Guitar Player Magazine claiming all those boutique amps were over priced and he has an amp that will outperform these so-called boutique amps.

He finally sent his amp to the editors and they were critiquing it. At first it sounded pretty good, but no different than your typical boutique amp. Then it started to make noise, one tube got red hot. Then caput.

Editors thought it was a "Trojan Horse" amp getting even with editors when they told Rosk "Put your money where your mouth is, send us your amp not just tell us how great your amp is."

Sorry just rambled on.
Hey guys, thanks for the info.

A buddy of mine has one, it is a 212 tube combo with reverb. It is fairly old, and in need of some work. We were just wondering if anyone had every seen or worked with one before.

Thanks again!
pressman said:
Hey guys, thanks for the info.

A buddy of mine has one, it is a 212 tube combo with reverb. It is fairly old, and in need of some work. We were just wondering if anyone had every seen or worked with one before.

Thanks again!
Do you have a tube guitar amp restorer locally? I'm sure that person could fix it. Tube amps design (in theory) are all similiar so if broken, it could be fixed. The electrolytic capacitors should be replace if its old.
I know this topic is pretty old, but I've had a Tagus amp for almost 20 years now. It's called the Tagus B8000 and it is a 200 watt head with a 215 cabinet. It was gigged steadily through the 1990s and a little bit in the 2000s until I gave up playing. Now it's only used for jamming with my buddies and it still works excellent. The only thing that I can say is wrong with it is it has a crackling in the Treble knob. But only when it's being turned. Once it is set, the crackle is gone. But, for an amp that was heavily used and is over 30 years old, I think that's quite impressive! It's a tube amp and other than a few small cuts in the tolex, she's in very good condition.

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