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If a tube should red-plate and short you will most likely destroy the screen grid resistor(s) on those sockets. While it is not a big repair (time or $$), it is downtime none the less.
I don't know what the seller has based that 40mA rating on. If it is 40mA at 460V (the approx plate voltage of your amps) that means the tube will be at 74% of it's max plate dissipation (MPD) when at idle (very "hot-bias"). That is red-plate territory, especially in the Mark V.
If the rating is based on 300V then 40mA of idle current would put you at a safe (and "cool-bias") 48% MPD, but now were talking a theoretical reading.
These are chances I prefer not to take with a $2000 (US) amp.
Your best friend here is a bias probe. Something like these:
While you might not be able to adjust your bias (Mesa uses non-adjustable fixed bias) you can confirm that the tubes in your amp are operating at safe and/or ideal conditions. I think this is better than watching your amp red-plate and blow a fuse.
BTW- Even with my Roadster modded for adjustable bias, I still find I like it best at "cool" to "moderate" bias (55-60% MPD)
My $0.02, YMMV.
I agree here a bias probe is a good idea. I guess I should've been a little more clear on my first response.
OP, even though our amps have a fixed bias, it's still a very good idea to ensure whatever tubes you pop in a operating within spec. To give you an example, I don't generally run Rectifiers any more as I prefer the pre-amp in the Dual Caliber. In my DC3 it runs EVERYTHING way too ******* hot. This is normal for these. Along with bias mods, I use a bias probe to test the bias of any set of EL84 quads I run. The first time I changed tubes after buying this amp was a set of Mesa EL84s. They red-plated fast and took out my screen grid resistors.
A few resistors (including lowering the bias resistor), a full set of tubes, and she rocks like a dream. You should not have to do this with your recto as they are biased towards the colder side, but @4300.00 !!! AUS for you roadster, a couple hundred bucks on a bias probe to be sure will go a long way.
When a power tube redplates, it will be pretty obvious. The plate structure in the tube will start to glow light red from the center of the plates out. Looks just like the metal is getting to hot (which it is).