Super hard

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Dec 20, 2010
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Hi Grailtone people. I have a LSS. I was wondering if anyone has tried a ZVEX Super Hard On to de-mud the drive channel? I don't mind doing the reader mods, but have an old JV and heard those "SHO's" were a good idea for older pickups anyway. So a two in one solution maybe? And Christmas is coming :)
I did search 'Super Hard' in search and got nowhere fast.
With thanks, J
Nope! Ain't gonna work. :lol: It's mod or nuthin'. A pre-amp/booster will just push the pre- amp tubes into mud quicker.
Daaaaang. I wanted a new pedal n all. Oh well, thanks for the help. I've been lookin here a day or 2. Reeder mod 1 it is. By the way, I am doing a gig in a church soon, for charity. Accompanying a singer playing acoustic through the PA, I will be playing electric. We are going to be in the middle of the church, crowd all around (650 tickets sold, cool!). Any ideas what to do with my amp? Where to point it???
I dont expect a perfect answer, just keen not to do something stupid, really looking forward to a gig in the middle of an old old church and want it to be good...
Yeah I guess that's the best option. I was hoping to give it some volume, but that is where the problems start I guess. Cheers for the advice, I will no doubt mic it...or lie it on its back n point it at the roof (my preferred option but undoubtedly 'wrong' :shock: )
If accompanying an acoustic I'd probably put it on 5w and try to have the combo's back near a wall so that the sound off the speaker hits it and spreads around the room better.

As for the mud, try cranking the treble knob up (1:00 or higher). It controls the overall voice of the amp more than it does the actual treble and lowering it too much tends to make the amp sound dark and murky. Use the presence to control the actual treble content.
This is useful stuff. Thank you both. For some reason I have always been 'around the 12 o'clock' with the tone controls, but just had practice with the mid way down and the bass off. Much better.
Screamin', your suggestion re amp placement wont work as we will be in the middle, not near any walls, with the audience all around. Really keen to use the amp, rather than just DI...not sure and wont know until its over, unless there is an answer...? :?:
jackio said:
... Really keen to use the amp, rather than just DI...not sure and wont know until its over, unless there is an answer...? :?:
I've been doing more playing electric in acoustic/electric combo bands lately than full electric- lots of time in 5, 15 watt
Regardless of full on electric' or not, I was going to mention consider having amps up on a straight forward stand. You might hear better what the amp's doing- and dial it in better accordingly. And two use your position in front of it on stage as sort of a variable filter (if that makes sense.
Try doing what Joe Bonamassa does. Place some sort of baffle board infront of your speaker cab and mic your amp. You can then crank it to get your desired tone and the baffle will not allow the tone to scream directly out toward the audience. The miced amp can then be controlled in the mix. Good luck.