Subway Rocket Tone Controls

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Aug 4, 2009
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I recently aquired a Subway Rocket at a yard sale for $100. The tone controls weren't working properly(the pots were so bad that the signal would totally drop out) so I ordered the parts from Mesa. They sent me out pots with shorter shafts and a 250k pot instead of a 200k pot for the treble control.I installed the new pots and noticed that the tone controls are not that effective.The presence control acts the same way. Was this normal for this amp?
Since no-one else has answered... I've used these amps a few times and I did find that the tone controls don't do a lot, especially on the lead channel. I couldn't ever really dial out the strong midrange character it has, even with the mid zero'ed - which should also make the bass and treble do a bit more. I only really found I could get the tone I wanted on the clean channel and on the lead channel with the contour on.

The difference between a 220K (it will be that, not 200K) and a 250K control is negligible and won't be the cause of it - they're pretty much the same thing but with different tolerance specs - but if anything, the larger value should give a little more range, not less.
Hey, I had a Subway Rocket when they came out and sold it a few years later. It was a GREAT amp... but as you say, the tone controls didn't really sweep the range of EQ like you'd think. I would say that is normal and your amp is working as it should. I did notice that when I used it at an open mic night at the local blues bar, that it opened up quite nicely and sounded a lot better in a live setting and didn't need an OD pedal out front to give it an edge at all.

And for $100, you got a GREAT deal! Get a Recto 1x12 and pair it up with the Rocket and you will be in extra good shape. I wish I never sold mine.
Thanks for the info. I was in the market for a small tube combo to take to back yard parties and came accross this one. I figured it made noise so it couldn't be in that bad of shape.I put the pots in and re-tubed it with JJs from Eurotubes. Got what they called the max headroom, high gain set. Sounds great clean and really shines when it's opened up. The tone controls were the only issue. They are very subtle,but noticable. Another thing I noticed is that the record out/headphone is very bassy...not a concern though.Could be an impedence mismatch...

Yeah...I know I pretty much stole this amp almost feel guilty...

Thanks again.
The bass should never be set past 4 on a Subway Rocket. Use your middle to act as an extra gain control. Treble & Presence to taste.
I don't agree about it never being past 4 - I used to like the tone with the bass at around 7 or 8, with the mid on 0 and the treble probably about 6 or 7, but at least one I've come across would self-oscillate and sound like it had tremolo when the bass was up all the way. I like tremolo on an amp too, but this wasn't really what I meant :).

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