Studio Pre's EQ Switch: Changing EQ IN to just affect clean?

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Phil[th]adelphia, PA
I have found that the Graphic EQ is far more useful for the clean channel than lead, and I don't see why I'd ever want to use it for both channels. Would it be difficult to change "EQ IN" to just route the GEQ into the clean channel? That way the EQ switch would be able to do: Lead only, Off, Clean only. Sounds cool doesn't it?

Just curious if anyone knows what would need to be done and if it would be simple or not. I do not work on amps so I'd be taking it to someone who knows what they're doing.
is the eq footswitchable? if so, you could use a midi switcher, but a simpler way would be a custom footswitch using a dpdt (or 3pdt) pushbutton that switches the channels and the eq