Studio Preamp advice

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Oct 28, 2012
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First off I love this thing. I would like to determine what year it is, there is no indication inside but the serial is 7742.

I have ordered new tubes for it but am not sure if I should also do a recap. This is only the second vintage amp I have owned and the first had had a recap soon before I bought it.

When I turn the bass pot over 1 it drastically affects the overall gain of the preamp. In clean it drops the volume and in lead it drops the gain.

Lastly I am thinking about doing the IIc+ mod found here ... 3&t=101252 and was wondering if it would be worth a damn since I am not going through a simulclass poweramp.
It doesn't sound right that the gain drops when you turn the bass knob up. The tone might get flubbier as you dial in more bass, but if anything it should add a bit of gain, not take it away.
thrashcomics said:
Lastly I am thinking about doing the IIc+ mod found here ... 3&t=101252 and was wondering if it would be worth a damn since I am not going through a simulclass poweramp.

Ive C+ modded my Quad preamp and MKIV and both were tonal improvements in my opinion, the GEQ reacts a little differently. Overall the tone becomes more percussive and bitey.. killer rhythm tone for rock or metal. You don't need to worry about having simul-class, I run my Quad into a VHT-2502 and the C+ mods were just as noticeable as on my MKIV, the power section just adds a little flavour.
