Studio Pre questions

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Dec 8, 2006
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I've just acquired a Studio Preamp in a pretty good shape. So far i love the clean sounds but i'm a little disapointed with the satured ones, i find the box pretty noisy when i go to the extreme gains (lot of hum), my cables are brand new and i have the same sound on my two guitars (a jackson dk2 and a LP Std), is the studio pre a noisy box or do i have a problem with this one ? , if this normal i'll use a hush.

I opened the box and i saw i little white cable at the right of the reverb unsoldered , someone will be so kind enough to take a picture in high res of inside the studio pre to know where this cable should be soldered ?

And finally i've got no idea of the age of the tubes , what kind of tube would you recommend me for this beast ?

Thanks in advance for your answers and please forgive my bah english :oops:

i own a studio pre and since i don't know a poweramp yet i play it straight into the mixer using recording outs and the preamp is actually quite noisy. It didn't seem so noisy the few times when i used the main outs...
maybe this topic where i replied to another studio pre owner with wiring problems could help you

it always happens to me that the links i wrote ends up to be circular and lead you to the main page of the forum. So, if the link does this joke, please copy/paste the address!
Thanks a lot yste_jam, it seems that i've had exactly the same wiring problem (the white wire which is loose) , i will remove it since it make a lot more hum when it is soldered.

i don't have a poweramp yet too , for the moment i use it with Guitar rig 2 for the speaker emulation.

Anyway do you have some cool presets ?

i once tried to use guitar rig 2 as poweramp+cab simulator too! but do you use the main outs to do that? i made an attempt in this way but even with guitar rig i wasn't able to smooth out the rough sound coming out from the main outs! this is what i've done with those settings:

once again, links surely won't work clicking on it directly, so please copy/paste..

i found the best hi-gain riffing tone with these settings:

volume 8,5
master 5
treble 8
bass 3
mid 0
lead drive 7,5
lead master 6

all switches on
EQ: V shape

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