Studio .22+ or Express 5:25?

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technically you're right.what do you mean by BIGGER SPEAKER.Mine is a Vintage Black Shadow VS 12 rated at 50w,the original .yours was the same?thx
Bigger is a misnomer-I had the 50w stock speaker in my Studio .22+ which I found to be ratty and midrangey and not the tone I like. The other Black Shadow that Mesa carries is a Celestion that is 90w. It lets in more Fendery chime and a warmer breakup. Others like to use a Celestion Vintage 30 (earlier breakup)or an Electrovoice 12L (Lots of headroom, (great tone, very heavy)-The MC90 turned this amp, for me, into the main workhorse rather than trade bait. I like the Studio much more than new Boogies, which are over-engineered IMNSHO despite the great features (too many of 'em).
well thank you very much,you are a very patient man :) i'll see if i can find a speaker that will fix the problem for me:)
also,before i got into "surgery" has anyone else got any other suggestions?thx
I really like the 90-If you want to go with the lower-wattage speaker I highly recommend the Mojotone BV30 which is a Celestion clone but less harsh. You'll like the MC90 I think. Thanks, and enjoy. Studios are great amps.
primeholy said:
This was done by Mesa. The original owner had it done.(he also had a bigger reverb tank installed) A little different take on it. Put the gain pot on front seems a lil more user friendly to me.


does that mod work on a .50 caliber + :?:
I've thought about the mod, but I'm OK with the way it is, plus I use other pedals. However, I wouldn't mind a bigger reverb tank. I have learned to like the reverb in the Studio .22-more like the kind in an Ampeg amp than a Fender, but I would like more of it.
Another thumbs up for the DC 2 or 3. Great little amps that provide all the benefits of a Modded .22 and then some.
i find the reverb more than enough and it's superb sounding to my ears 8)
i talked to some of the most experienced guitar players in my country,and they agreed that even if changing the speaker would help with keeping the clean channel breakup free at higher volume,i shouldn't do that,since my amp is all original(it's been very well kept for 23 years ).if anyone has other suggestions it would be fantastic,if not i think i'll buy another amp for clean and play my mesa for the drive,which is FANTASTIC

i have an idea: all mesa 22 owners post some settings that you like:) cheers

also,did anyone try to make the cabinet closed back ?(not fully closed,just let some space for the tubes too cool down)
i have made more research and it seems that power tubes may be te source of my problem with the low clean headroom.since my amp has EL84 by ElectroHarmonix ,and my spare one are RFT EL 84(both of them which seem to breakup easily) would you give me some advice about some tipe of EL84(manufacturer) that stays clean longer?
i have found this: The Russian EL84M / 6P14P-EP (6n14n-EV) tube is the same tube as the Sovtek EL84-M tube. This EL84M tube is also an acceptable replacement for the rare 7189A tube. The 6p14p/EL84M tube is a versatile option because of it's clean headroom, power, dynamics and harmonic content.The Sovtek EL84 tube has been a staple for Fender, Boogie, Crate, Peavey and other manufacturers of tube amps using the EL84 tube
I have Sovteks in my Maverick and they have way more clean headroom than I thought they would! They sound pretty good too!

I might try JJ's eventually though. JJ's seem to be a little darker sounding which might do my Mav some good!

It's also a good idea to change out your Phase Inverter tube when you change power tubes. The PI takes a really good beating over the years.
thank you very much,i have already found a guy that sells 6P14P-russian military tubes,NOS-considered to be the equivalent for a Sovtek EL84
also i have read that el84 powered amps don't usually require a that true?
The re-bias depends on whether or not the amp is Cathode Biased or as Mesa and many others wrongfully call it, 'Class A.'

It is really just a matter of changing a resistor or adding a bias pot in your amp's case. Or, you could get some EL's that fit into Mesa's range.
well yes,mine is class A.should it be rebiased?
and one last question,you've been very helpful: will it help the my clean channel to break up LATER if i change the mesa 12ax7 in v2 (in the manual v2 is supposed to be assigned to the clean channel) with a lower gain tube?thx
I just put Sovtec tubes in my DC-2. I really like them. Not quite as harsh as the JJ. Really creamy when they breakup.
For the bias, if it says 'Class A,' then you are good to go.

As far as the preamp tubes go, my Heartbreaker came with a 12AY7 in the V1 spot for the Love channel's 1st gain stage. It really made a huge difference!
I don't like 12AT7's for gain stages, but you might try a 12AY7, 5751, or a 12AU7. Also, a really good NOS 12AX7 will make it sound better too!
I've enjoyed reading your posts. I have a question regarding the Lust channel on the Heartbreaker: If I put a 12ay7 in V3, will that tame the Lust channel? I've never been happy with the gain of this channel, and while I know that the amp was designed to be this way, I'd simply like to change it's character.



As far as the preamp tubes go, my Heartbreaker came with a 12AY7 in the V1 spot for the Love channel's 1st gain stage. It really made a huge difference!
I don't like 12AT7's for gain stages, but you might try a 12AY7, 5751, or a 12AU7. Also, a really good NOS 12AX7 will make it sound better too![/quote]